Recorded Webinar
Utilize Group Coaching to Boost Your Employee Experience
Want to learn more about PILOT? We’d love to connect with you and share how our award-winning, virtual employee development program offers HR leaders a simple way to boost productivity, morale and engagement.
[00:00:00] Laura Mastrorocco: Welcome everyone to our session about how group coaching creates a better employee experience. I'm Laura Mastarocco and I'll be your host and producer for today's session.
[00:00:11] Laura Mastrorocco: Delighted to be with you here from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. So before we get started
[00:00:16] . I'd like to share a little bit with you about what is PILOT. PILOT is a 100 percent virtual emerging leader. development program designed to provide your early to mid career employees the soft skills they need to lead at any level. Each cohort of 20 to 30 employees benefits from a six month program that includes group coaching, executive fireside chats, self reflection exercises, and a guided one on one manager feedback with a time commitment of only two to three hours per month.
[00:00:55] Laura Mastrorocco: And PILOT is built to scale by HR professionals so we can launch in as little as two weeks without requiring additional headcount on your team, which is pretty amazing. So before we go any further, I'd like to know from you all, what are you hoping to gain from today's session? We want to be sure that your needs are met.
[00:01:18] Laura Mastrorocco: And so please drop in the chat. What are you hoping to gain from today's webinar? And as those are coming in, I'd love to hear from everyone. As those are coming in, please allow me to introduce Courtney. So Courtney Broderick is deeply passionate about democratizing opportunity while helping businesses solve big challenges.
[00:01:44] Laura Mastrorocco: She spent time at Indeed, LinkedIn, and Handshake. She believes we are facing a crisis in leadership and development, and brings a unique perspective from her 15 years of experience with HR, DEI, and learning leaders. She brings that experience into her role at PILOT. And a fun fact for you all, she is a former stiletto wearing city dweller, now living on a seven acre farm in the country with rescue dogs, chickens, and someday, hopefully goats.
[00:02:16] Laura Mastrorocco: I will tell you that I asked Courtney about the goats recently, like why goats? And she said of course they're going to mow the grass. I love that. So Courtney, on that note, let me turn things over to you.
[00:02:28] Courtney Broderick: Thank you, Laura. And yeah, I, don't I look like a farmer? This is my farmer outfit. But thank you for that introduction.
[00:02:36] Courtney Broderick: I'm so excited to be joining all of y'all today. I'm just looking through the chat about what people are most curious about. Some folks are just looking to gather information, affirmation of group coaching approach learning more about group coaching. all kinds of just general, it seems like there's a general hunger to learn more about what group coaching looks like, how people can feel connected, and that has been what I've spent my whole career doing.
[00:03:04] Courtney Broderick: So as Laura mentioned, I've been on teams at Indeed and LinkedIn and Handshake really trying to figure out what makes teams work and what makes people feel satisfied. And so I'm so excited to be part of the PILOT team and I want to share a little bit about what is PILOT and what are we really going to be covering today?
[00:03:26] Courtney Broderick: And so when we think about how PILOT partners with organizations, we think about group coaching, we think about all these different elements, there's a big picture that really comes together to make an experience. There's four main components that we refer to as the modes of learning within PILOT. And so we've got group coaching, which we'll talk about.
[00:03:46] Courtney Broderick: We've got self reflection, we've got executive fireside chats, so more of a scaled mentoring program, and then of course we also have future focused manager feedback. So we'll get into all of those, and the idea with PILOT is to create a turnkey development solution that packs the same power of executive coaching that senior leaders, that only the people right up here historically have gotten.
[00:04:14] Courtney Broderick: And the idea is to create something accessible that we can actually democratize across a bigger group that historically maybe doesn't have access. So that's how I think about PILOT as a whole. And when we think about the employee experience, I talked a little bit about employee development. And I want to just set the stage for where we're going today.
[00:04:38] Courtney Broderick: The whole point of our webinar today was around how we can help drive the employee experience and why that matters. So let's just level set for a moment. And what is. the employee experience. So drop in the chat if anybody's got their own definition of what they consider an employee experience, how you define it internally.
[00:05:00] Courtney Broderick: Let's see some of that sharing, but the way we're going to define it today is the journey an employee takes with your organization. So that actually includes every interaction that happens along the employee life cycle, plus the experiences that involve an employee's role, their workspace. Their manager, their well being, so anybody else that has other components that they think about that are critical to the employee experience, drop them in the chat.
[00:05:33] Courtney Broderick: As Laura shared, plus one if you agree. Come on y'all, don't leave me hanging.
[00:05:44] Courtney Broderick: Ooh, how we make our employees feel. Do they reflect on each facet with positivity and would they bring their BFFs into the organization to work with them? Ooh, Laura, I like that one.
[00:05:56] Laura Mastrorocco: Yeah, so do I. That speaks a lot to a company if you bring your BFF in.
[00:06:02] Courtney Broderick: It does. I like that. I'm gonna hold on to that one.
[00:06:05] Courtney Broderick: Thanks, Carissa. Alicia's is training. Karen agrees. Plus one to the journey. Belonging. Ooh, Anna, I like that. Psychological safety. Love these. These are fantastic. Awesome. Laura let's talk a little bit about why it matters. We've all shared a little bit around what we think makes up the employee experience, and now let's talk about why we should care.
[00:06:33] Courtney Broderick: When we talk about the impact, it's, that the employee experience actually has on the business. One of the things I know Laura is going to share is we actually look at the high cost of employee turnover, and lots of that is actually driven directly by the employee experience. And we'll talk a little bit about the butterfly effect that you see broken out here.
[00:06:56] Courtney Broderick: But I know Laura has just dropped a link into the chat, so I want to make sure everybody has a chance to see that here. But one of the things we talked about in that webinar that Laura shared is that voluntary turnover costs U. S. businesses over 1 trillion, a trillion. And a lot of this is due to not prioritizing the employee experience.
[00:07:21] Courtney Broderick: So let's talk about what we can do to improve the employee experience and save your company some of those turnover costs. So when we think about these different layers, and we think about where we're prioritizing things for the business, if leadership doesn't recognize that the employee experience drives so much else, frictions can then arise, creating a bad employee experience.
[00:07:46] Courtney Broderick: It becomes this waterfall effect where productivity declines. retention plummets. We're seeing this where the companies start to see turnover. They invest in getting people into the door, getting them onboarded, and then that retention long term has become a bigger struggle. So I'd love to hear again in the chat, and I'm, I missed a comment from Courtney here.
[00:08:10] Courtney Broderick: When she's talking about employee experience, she says it encompasses all interactions and perceptions throughout an individual's journey within an organization, impacting satisfaction, engagement. and productivity. Love that. Okay, so let's hear from anybody else in the chat where else you're seeing that impact and how you feel your organization is really driving employee experience.
[00:08:36] Courtney Broderick: So feel free to share that. And while we do that, we're actually going to move forward into kind of the logical question around if employee experience matters and drives so much of the business, What do we do about that? McKinsey conducted an online survey with hundreds of employees, all living in the U.
[00:09:00] Courtney Broderick: S., and these were basically the results around what overall drove employees. And so job stability and performing meaningful work were cited as the two most important that employees continue to stay at their companies. One of the challenges that I hear often in talking to HR leaders, people leaders, DEI leaders, is We don't have the same promotion path that we did a few years ago.
[00:09:34] Courtney Broderick: We don't have the same title bumps that we can hand out to folks. People are still really hungry for development and to learn. And so when we look at these, these are the four components that McKinsey recommends to create an exceptional, human centered employee experience. Prioritizing social interactions, giving them room to grow, personalizing relationships and avoiding transactions, and creating sustainable working model.
[00:10:07] Courtney Broderick: So we're going to talk through these four elements that McKinsey highlights in relation to the PILOT program and the container that I had shared with you earlier. Love that, Glenn. Plus one to meaningful work. Fantastic. Excellent. So we're going to start with the first, right? Prioritizing social interactions.
[00:10:30] Courtney Broderick: And from that, The chat at the beginning, there's a lot of interest around the group coaching component. So here's how we do that at PILOT. We essentially pull together a cohort of 15 to 30 employees. that go through this program together. And this can be a group based on whatever makes sense for your organization and your goals at the time.
[00:10:54] Courtney Broderick: So this can be based on different affinity groups. This can be based on emerging leaders, new managers however you want to structure that based on what y'all are driving towards. Those cohorts actually get to experience the program. They go through that six months as a group, so not only are they in the group sessions together monthly, but they get to continue to learn and communicate as a community.
[00:11:22] Courtney Broderick: So I'd like to actually share a quick sample from one of our sessions with Coach Ayanna Costin. You'll hear her talk about leading with your head, heart, and gut. as well as figuring out how to establish workability on the horse, the helicopter, or the jet, which comes from our management, leadership, and power session.
[00:11:46] Courtney Broderick: So everybody, anybody who's heard of those components the head, heart, and gut, or the horse, helicopter, and jet, drop it in the chat, and Laura's going to go ahead and kick off that video for us.
[00:12:05] Ayana Coston: When we think about whole leadership, I want us to be leading constantly with our head, heart and guts. We might have 1 portion that we lean into more than anything else, but that's a really important part. So, when I lead with my head again, think of these as integrated to make up a whole leader. I'm thinking about strategy.
[00:12:23] Ayana Coston: My brain is working differently with cognition. I'm thinking things all the way through. And developing a different point of view about something when I'm thinking with my heart, which again, I tend to sometimes have a heart that's splattered wide open. And I'm thinking about how am I processing the emotion of what happened?
[00:12:42] Ayana Coston: Yeah, I can deal with what happened, but how does it feel to be passed up for a promotion? Um, if, you know, I'm leading somebody on a team, how would that feel? If I know that they've given their most, how do I create trust and balance and compassion? And then the final part here is guts. How do I think about things that are more intuitive and internal?
[00:13:02] Ayana Coston: Who am I in my identity in the way that I lead? So I am a woman of color. How does that play out in the way that I lead? That's a part of my identity, my self preservation. What boundaries do I want to have if I'm in a certain position? And how do I make tough decisions? So that's where we can focus.
[00:13:20] Ayana Coston: When I think about this slide, we're talking about managing at three levels of thinking and doing. I'll give an example in a minute about McDonald's, but I want you to just take a quick look at this and identify where are you managing today? I see a few of you have people management, and that's all good.
[00:13:36] Ayana Coston: Where are we managing today? Are we managing at the jet, the helicopter, or the horse? So I'm going to start at the top and go down. When I'm managing at a jet level, it's about strategy and standards. At the helicopter level, it's about how do we do oversight and inspection of what's happening. And if I'm managing at the horse level, how do we take a look at alignment and adherence?
[00:14:03] Courtney Broderick: Excellent. Thank you, Laura. Isn't Ayanna great? I had a chance to meet her in person last week. She's so vibrant. And she's actually one of our certified coaches. PILOT's group coaching sessions are exactly what you saw there. That's just a little taste of what that experience looks like. And they're held via Zoom with the professional certified coach like Ayana, that guides the session, and with somebody like Laura.
[00:14:31] Courtney Broderick: here as well, that helps actually host and produce the experience so that it's seamless for the actual members. So when you think about what we cover in those group coaching sessions, it's based on extensive research and experience in the market. So PILOT's created an award winning content program that empowers employees to take ownership of their careers, to be impactful, to work efficiently, to advocate for themselves, to partner with their managers, own their inclusion, and keep growing.
[00:15:07] Courtney Broderick: And these are things that if we don't have a mentor or we didn't grow up in an environment where those things were readily available to us, a lot of folks don't have access to these things. And that's where PILOT's trying to make the impact. Awesome. So we're going to move on to the second component here from McKinsey.
[00:15:29] Courtney Broderick: And speaking of growing, the second piece of advice is to create an excellent employee experience is to give them room to grow. So at PILOT, we focus on employee self reflection. We create space for quick, bite sized activities that encourage employees to reflect inward. on how they embody or could embody the key elements of whatever the weekly theme is.
[00:15:57] Courtney Broderick: We coach them on how to actually solicit that feedback from their managers, from colleagues, from others, and support them when they need to advocate for themselves and encourage them to take action. crossing that delta between knowing and doing to positively impact their careers. And one of the things that I will show you in just a moment here when Laura moves to the next slide and you can actually see what the experience is, I want to share a little anecdote because one of the things that's so important about the self reflection piece is It's done individually, it's done once a week, and we want to meet people where they are.
[00:16:40] Courtney Broderick: Some of our partners might be on the road, some of them might be doing this in their cars, some of them might be doing it at work. I actually do this, we drink our own champagne, eat our own dog food, I'm going through the program myself, and I happen to do my individual reflections in the evenings on my couch.
[00:16:58] Courtney Broderick: with my dogs. And I just do it right there on my phone and it's completely accessible to me whenever I'm in the right headspace to do that.
[00:17:08] Laura Mastrorocco: Yeah, I love that, Courtney. And I, for instance, am a morning person. I definitely tackle this first thing in the morning while my head's fresh and I'm sipping my coffee and I have some like quiet space.
[00:17:21] Laura Mastrorocco: The other thing I wanted to mention, Melissa had asked earlier about how we create a space for people to feel safe while participating in group coaching. And don't you think that having this quiet reflection time is one way?
[00:17:39] Courtney Broderick: Very much so. And I think, Laura, that's a really good call out, I think, in terms of how important it is.
[00:17:46] Courtney Broderick: And I'll share. I'm a neurodivergent woman, and for me, knowing what's coming and knowing what to expect helps make things feel safe for me. So we have a shared development plan that we share up front. There's a big idea that we cover every month. And so I, Laura, to your point, I have time to think about my own individual reflections around that topic and the way that our coaches.
[00:18:16] Courtney Broderick: organize that space. We have both kind of that group environment and those breakouts where I've had a chance to see how supportive team members can be to each other. And so I think I'm answering that in two parts. One is we provide a ton of visibility, so you know what's coming. And another is just the way we mindfully, I think, manage The actual experience.
[00:18:38] Courtney Broderick: And Laura, you might be able to speak to that a bit more.
[00:18:40] Laura Mastrorocco: Yeah, totally. The other piece, the other component that I wanted to mention is in the live coaching sessions with which take place once a month, there are typically two opportunities for small group discussion. where we put the groups into a breakout space.
[00:18:57] Laura Mastrorocco: And we do hear from a lot of people who tend to be more introverted, is a safe space for them to talk and to really make their connections.
[00:19:07] Courtney Broderick: Absolutely. Absolutely. And these pieces all fit together. To Laura's point, some people are more comfortable in that group environment.
[00:19:14] Courtney Broderick: Some people are going to really thrive digging into their individual reflections. And the idea is that we want to help meet people across the board wherever they are. So we're going to guide folks through the process of developing these capabilities by really just emailing them a simple online survey every week that they can complete from any device.
[00:19:34] Courtney Broderick: in 10 minutes. So they get an automated reminder to keep them on track. We manage the nudging. That's a big part of the process, is the nudging and keeping people on track. And we will, essentially that's part of what makes the PILOT program so effective. It's very high adoption because we're meeting folks in a way that's very convenient for them on the tools they're already using.
[00:20:01] Courtney Broderick: Email, text. Zoom, it's frictionless for them. And a great example of that is Caitlin. She is actually an account executive with MetLife, which means she's on the road all the time. So typically you would think this makes it really difficult to complete the program, but Caitlin sees it differently. You can see here that PILOT's bite sized format makes it incredibly easy and quick for Caitlin to take time to focus on her personal career growth.
[00:20:38] Courtney Broderick: So easy, in fact, she told us that she can easily complete a self reflection activity from the car if she arrives to a scheduled meeting early. I've been there. I've spent lots of time in parking lots. Preparing. So this is a fabulous, I think, example. And we hear from a lot of participants that PILOTs help them stop that, I gotta run to the next meeting mentality, and actually create a habit that forces them to stop, look in the mirror, and actually think about what they want.
[00:21:08] Courtney Broderick: That's one of the biggest gifts. A program like PILOT provides people, a lot of times, is the permission and the space to stop and think about that.
[00:21:20] Laura Mastrorocco: Totally. You know, Courtney, I recently had the opportunity to meet an alumni of the PILOT program from Nestle Corporation. And this woman shared with me how she really valued those bite sized bits of wisdom that came in that text right to her phone that she could digest on her own time.
[00:21:38] Laura Mastrorocco: But she also shared with me that the PILOT program had a positive effect, not only on her professional life, but also on her personal life. That's powerful.
[00:21:49] Courtney Broderick: Yeah,, I think I didn't fully understand that before joining PILOT, how many stories we would hear about the impact it had on folks personal lives, not just their work, not just their career, but the positive impact it had on their marriage, their relationships.
[00:22:08] Courtney Broderick: And there's so many components of our program that are so impactful. Another is actually our Fireside Chats, which support the third point from McKinsey and Company, which is personalized relationships. and avoid transactions. So oftentimes, especially in larger organizations, employees feel detached from the executives and don't get much time to interact with them or learn how they got to that point in their career, where they are now, some of the unwritten rules of work, and this has just been compounded with remote and hybrid work.
[00:22:47] Courtney Broderick: Without the water cooler, coffee break, popping into your coworker's office to chat. It's too easy to become very transactional with our needs. It's almost like gig work. And so at PILOT, we create opportunities for program participants to engage and build relationships with executives that they might never talk to.
[00:23:08] Courtney Broderick: And this is what we actually call our Executive Fireside Chat. And if we go here, we can actually see with these Executive Fireside Chats, we flatten the organization for one hour. When an executive joins the members to talk about their lived experience, wisdom, and insights. Over the course of the program, we help you identify multiple executives from different divisions of the business, different geographies, or different demographics.
[00:23:39] Courtney Broderick: And our crew provides white love support to ensure your executives are comfortable, prepared, and ready to work. and rock their sessions. This is one of the biggest surprises to me and just this unexpected joy is hearing from the executives how the fireside chats were such a highlight of their year because they got to have conversations with employees that they weren't otherwise having.
[00:24:04] Courtney Broderick: And PILOT, as an outside third party, has the ability to ask questions that might be harder to ask internally. So when you think about what's included in these executive fireside chats, there's several components. There's an assessment beforehand to get to know the executive. and the topics they'll likely cover, a prep call that's almost like media training to help them feel effective in group settings, and familiarize themselves with any technology we might be using.
[00:24:35] Courtney Broderick: We send a profile about the person to the group ahead of time so they know what the session will be about, and we take care of all the logistics and production for the whole call. So there's also a live Q& A during the executive chats. So Which the idea is to balance storytelling and best practices with hard hitting questions and vulnerability.
[00:24:58] Courtney Broderick: And for a lot of groups that don't have that exposure, it becomes a really powerful perspective shift within the organization. And Laura, I know those are some of your favorite experiences to get to, to witness.
[00:25:12] Laura Mastrorocco: They are. So as part of my role at PILOT, I get to host or produce these fireside chat sessions and they are part of my favorite of what PILOT has to offer.
[00:25:23] Laura Mastrorocco: Because if you could just imagine sitting around with your hot cup of coffee, propping your feet up on the fireplace, and just literally chatting with an executive from your company. So not only is it a really good networking opportunity, but it's also but also they share so much like vulnerable vulnerable stories and insights and you leave there with so much wisdom.
[00:25:49] Laura Mastrorocco: Like I'm busy taking notes the entire time and leave there feeling so inspired. So they're awesome. They're amazing.
[00:25:58] Courtney Broderick: Love that. And, I love that perspective too around just feeling that intimate setting that I feel like we often don't get as much of these days. And speaking of relationships and executives, we want to be able to speak with our managers and talk a little bit about that relationship as well.
[00:26:20] Courtney Broderick: So we're going to move on to the fourth point from McKinsey, which is create sustainable working models. And in McKinsey's great attrition research, they found that employees rated three elements of employee experience as most and equally important reasons for recently leaving a job. Number one, not having caring leaders.
[00:26:45] Courtney Broderick: I'm going to ask for anybody who has had a leader that they didn't find caring to just drop that in the chat. No details. Maybe just drop a plus one in there because I've been there and that very much impacts my day to day. Having sustainable work expectations is number two. and a lack of career development and advancement potential.
[00:27:08] Courtney Broderick: 35%. Oh, look at that. It looks like I am not alone. We've got some other folks that have been there. So at PILOT, we want to address all three of these elements with our one on one Future focused manager feedback. So often, feedback, if it's given, is focused on performance and throughput and productivity of what you have delivered.
[00:27:33] Courtney Broderick: These things are important. Performance reviews are important. KPIs are important. Future focused manager feedback is an opportunity to actually help your employees grow their relationships with their managers, with their leaders, and focus on their own career aspirations and growth. So we work with the employees and the managers to create that space for true development.
[00:28:02] Courtney Broderick: Oh, Carissa, love that. I'm feeling like I'm burning out. Them. Let's talk about that in our one on one next week. I've been there, Carissa, a hundred percent. And one of the things, this is an anecdote that I will share as somebody who has been on go to market revenue teams for a good chunk of my career, having development conversations with leaders was really hard because at the end of the day, if you're not performing and hitting your quota.
[00:28:35] Courtney Broderick: then who are you to ask for development and who are you to ask for guidance? And if you are hitting your number, we can't have a conversation about your career development right now because we need you to just keep closing. So I use it as my own personal example, but I know so many people have that experience where they aren't actually being heard around where they want to go and what their future.
[00:29:03] Courtney Broderick: And that's a big component that we want to help tease out within the PILOT program. And I know we've got some manager feedback examples here that Laura's going to share. And the one on one future focus manager feedback starts with an activity for the managers. So whoever goes through the PILOT program, their managers are actually going through the PILOT program as support for that.
[00:29:30] Courtney Broderick: So you can see here the type of information the managers fill out about the member in the cohort, something that can be used beyond the PILOT program to continue development and growth. And the survey really helps to create a framework for a one on one meeting between the member and their manager.
[00:29:51] Courtney Broderick: Giving them direction and context for their conversation. And again, another personal story I want to share. I have known my current manager for over a decade, and we've worked in different roles together. And in going through the PILOT program, I received my initial assessment from my manager, and it was on a day when I was feeling a little bit low.
[00:30:16] Courtney Broderick: And a little bit overwhelmed, and reading through this assessment that was just beautifully organized, and how it was delivered to me. These are things I didn't even know. After knowing this person for over 10 years, some of these are conversations we'd never had. Feedback I didn't realize that this person thought about me.
[00:30:39] Courtney Broderick: Potential that this person saw in me. To the point where I was almost tearing up in my office. And I share that because I think we forget how powerful those moments can be. And part of what PILOT is trying to do is create that space for those moments.
[00:31:04] Courtney Broderick: And Laura, I think you've got another share here that we can highlight so that once the manager actually completes the activity, you can see how PILOT formats that content, so it can be shared with that member, like it was actually delivered to me to get me to tear up in my office. And you'll see here that Gallup has found that employees who've had development conversations with their managers in the past six months about goals and successes are almost three times more likely to be engaged at work.
[00:31:38] Courtney Broderick: So I'm going to switch gears for a moment and just ask everybody on the call and drop in the chat. When is the last time you had a future focus development conversation on either side, right? Have you had one? Maybe just a yes or no. If you've had one so far in 2024, that's not a backwards looking performance review.
[00:32:03] Courtney Broderick: Let's see here. Yes, we've got a few yeses. Excellent. Love that. It's up to me to initiate. Oh yeah, okay. Oh Laura, this makes me feel good how many yeses we're actually seeing.
[00:32:17] Laura Mastrorocco: Yeah, it's good to see, for sure.
[00:32:20] Courtney Broderick: Love that. Okay, so I feel like this group is maybe a little bit ahead of the curve. And at PILOT, we notice an average of 33 percent increase in the percentage of PILOT graduates who say their manager shows a genuine interest in their aspirations after they complete the program.
[00:32:43] Courtney Broderick: Love these yeses that are showing up here. Fantastic. And when PILOT participants complete this six month program that I've been walking you through, they actually take with them all of those skills that they can use in their careers beyond PILOT. PILOT is designed to be something that they use as a foundational skill set that continues on and on.
[00:33:10] Courtney Broderick: And to recognize this accomplishment of completing the program, we give our participants these certificates and badges so that they can share their accomplishments. We regularly see our graduates posting to their networks and on social media, and they're so So proud to share. And what you're seeing are actual social media posts from program graduates at organizations like Diageo, S& P Global, and Carfax.
[00:33:40] Courtney Broderick: Their vibrancy in sharing what they've learned and achieved with PILOT gets our entire crew excited to see how the PILOT program is actually changing people's perspectives and career trajectories. And it gets their internal champions really excited about the impact our program can have on every professional at their organization and for their organization as a whole.
[00:34:08] Courtney Broderick: Anytime we can get folks excited, anytime we can get people sharing, creating community, lifting each other up, it creates a wave.
[00:34:23] Courtney Broderick: And, more specifically, one of the things I wanted to share here is that 80 percent of PILOT cohort graduates have shared that they intend to stay with their employer for at least two more years. I want to pause here because that matters right now. That's significantly higher than the industry average of only about 60 percent who intend to stay.
[00:34:46] Courtney Broderick: And if we zoom out and look even closer at specific demographics like millennials, And Gen Z, I would imagine those numbers are even lower. So I think it's really important to think about how are we engaging our employees so that they feel like they matter and have a voice.
[00:35:12] Courtney Broderick: So let's talk a little bit more about results. And what you're going to see here is how we measure success. And this is data across all of our customers. PILOT's program is really leading the industry in several areas that I want to take you through here. Number one is satisfaction. We exceed the industry benchmark of 80 percent by 6 percentage points.
[00:35:38] Courtney Broderick: Customer satisfaction or CSAT surveys are taken after every interaction during the PILOT program and contribute to this overall rating. And I have done multiple stints with organizations that have different learning modalities, and the numbers that we see from a customer satisfaction perspective on the learning side are usually terrible.
[00:36:03] Courtney Broderick: So the fact that people are having this experience is something we're incredibly proud of. And it's not just the satisfaction, it's actually using the product that their company invested in. And so when we look at product usage, because PILOT cohort members are so engaged, they exhibit higher product usage than in the industry benchmark of 78%.
[00:36:27] Courtney Broderick: And notably this really far exceeds typical L& D online product usage of only about 10 to 15%. And then if we continue around, we'll look at competency growth areas. And as we talked about earlier, we focus on inward reflection, really soliciting feedback, self advocacy, and actually taking action. So we repeatedly observe growth in all four of those areas.
[00:36:56] Courtney Broderick: When we look at somebody at the beginning of the PILOT program, And after completing the PILOT program. And then the fourth area is actually perception. And this is important right now too, when we are looking at moving into a more constrained market going forward. Over 80 percent of cohort members within PILOT believe that their colleagues would benefit from going through the program, and nearly every member has felt valued by their company after being selected for the program.
[00:37:31] Courtney Broderick: If there's something that can instill that sense of feeling valued, that's also going to help facilitate better conversations, that becomes a win win for everyone.
[00:37:43] Courtney Broderick: If we come back around full circle from where we started when Laura made the fabulous introduction talking about the Met Gala and our flowers, when we think about PILOT, And how we really partner with organizations to change that employee experience and drive all parts of the business. There are really four elements that come together and they align with those elements that I shared from McKinsey.
[00:38:11] Courtney Broderick: We've got the group coaching, we've got the individual reflections, we've got the fireside chats with the executives, and then we have the future focused manager feedback that all come together to activate. those elements to create a really powerful employee experience that will make people feel like they're seen and heard at work.
[00:38:41] Courtney Broderick: So if we look at why PILOT, just a quick snapshot here with our friendly flight attendant, we look at overall, it's a positive employee experience. That is one of the. leading indicators that's going to affect your company's bottom line is how do people experience working there. Employees want to be seen, they want to be valued, and one of the best ways to do that is through development, feedback, connections, and growth.
[00:39:10] Courtney Broderick: PILOT gives professionals the tools that they need to be able to advocate for themselves. to be impactful and efficient and to own their own careers. So on that note, I want to take it a little bit further and make a fun offer to the folks that are on the call today. So one of the things we just launched at PILOT is our brand new swag store.
[00:39:35] Courtney Broderick: And our origin story at PILOT is that we are very focused on inclusion. And one of the things I love about our swag store is that it is. wildly inclusive, lots of sizes, lots of options. If you don't want just clothes, we have all kinds of fun swag and we are so driven to help change that employee experience.
[00:39:59] Courtney Broderick: We want to learn more from y'all. So the first five people today that use this QR code and book a call with the PILOT team to dig in on employee experience at your organization. We'll get to go shopping in the brand new PILOT swag store. So grab your phone, scan that QR code and grab some time with one of the PILOT crew and we would love to dig into any of the items that we covered today.
[00:40:29] Courtney Broderick: and get you hooked up to do a little bit of shopping.
[00:40:38] Courtney Broderick: Awesome. Excellent. And in addition, and I know Laura will be able to go back to that slide if y'all didn't catch it, but another offer we wanted to share today, since we saw several several of you in the chat very focused on the manager feedback piece, the group coaching piece, We have an exclusive offer today where you're eligible for a complimentary ebook that is entitled Enabling Managers to Hold More Effective Performance Conversations.
[00:41:11] Courtney Broderick: And this was actually written by our own CEO, Ben Brooks, and our marketing consultant, Audra Williams. So this is a really powerful ebook. You can actually email Leighton. You'll see his email there on the screen, leighton at pilot dot coach. He can get you the copy of this ebook if you have any other questions.
[00:41:29] Courtney Broderick: Leighton can help you with that as well. And again, Laura, if you want to just pop back to that other slide one more time with the QR code. Anybody else who wants to go ahead and have a chance to do that swag shopping. You can set up time with us there. And I'm going to pause here. If there's any questions from any of the folks on the line, things that we didn't cover in the chat, I want to give everybody a minute here.
[00:42:01] Laura Mastrorocco: In the meantime, Courtney, I also want to share some information about an upcoming webinar on May 22nd. PILOT is taking participating in the Bamboo HR Virtual Summit. which is an amazing an amazing summit, if you haven't heard of it before. We are going to be hosting three segments. First, at 9.
[00:42:27] Laura Mastrorocco: 45am Mountain Time, Ben Brooks is addressing why developing leaders at all levels is the unclick to an enduring DEI strategy. Then at 11 a. m. Mountain Time, 1 p. m. Eastern Time, Ben is also sharing, Tap into your manager's self interest to shift them from supervision to development. And lastly, at 1. 30 p. m.
[00:42:51] Laura Mastrorocco: Eastern, 11. 30 a. m. Mountain, Courtney Ann Selden from PILOT, is speaking to how to roll out new HR programs and platforms that sizzle and sing. So I've just dropped the link in the chat that will register you for the whole summit, and then there will be a calendar that comes out. You can tune into whichever of those session, sessions interests you.
[00:43:17] Courtney Broderick: Fantastic. for that, Laura. And for the reminder, I'm very excited about all three of those sessions at Bamboo HR.
[00:43:26] Laura Mastrorocco: And I see that Layton also dropped his LinkedIn in the chat. Thank you for that, Layton. Feel free to reach out to him in, via LinkedIn.
[00:43:38] Courtney Broderick: Fabulous. Well, on that note, if there are no final questions in the chat, then we will wrap up for the day.
[00:43:47] Courtney Broderick: And I just want to thank everybody for curving out some time and spending some time with PILOT.
[00:43:55] Laura Mastrorocco: Excellent. Thank you all. And we hope to see you on future webinars. Otherwise definitely feel free to reach out to, to get your free swag. There's some cool stuff in there. And if you have any further questions, feel free to drop them in the chat.
[00:44:11] Laura Mastrorocco: We'll hang out for a minute, watching the chat and otherwise have a terrific rest of your day. Make it powerful. Make it matter.