Recorded Webinar

How PILOT Can Deliver Group Coaching for You in 2024 Without Requiring Extra Headcount

Want to learn more about PILOT? We’d love to connect with you and share how our award-winning, virtual employee development program offers HR leaders a simple way to boost productivity, morale and engagement.


[00:00:00] Laura Mastrorocco: Hello and welcome everyone, welcome to how PILOT can deliver group coaching for you in 2024 without requiring extra headcount.

[00:00:11] Laura Mastrorocco: I'm Laura and I'll be your producer for today's session. Let's dive in. We'd like to get to know you a bit and I'm going to go ahead and launch a poll.

[00:00:24] Laura Mastrorocco: And the question on the table is, what is your role? at your organization. So go ahead and select your role and click the submit button to the lower right.

[00:00:40] Laura Mastrorocco: And while you're completing the poll, I'd like to introduce our host for today. So welcome to Josh Young. Josh is on our sales and partnership team at PILOT. He works along organizations to connect their unique [00:01:00] objectives and challenges to PILOT solutions. His expertise in talent development, enterprise sales, and go to market strategy helps consistently deliver value to PILOT clients and prospective customers.

[00:01:15] Laura Mastrorocco: And as I mentioned, he's joining us from Atlanta, Georgia. So Josh, welcome to you.

[00:01:22] Josh Young: Thanks, Laura. Expertise is taking me a bit too far for sure, but thank you. Thank you.

[00:01:28] Laura Mastrorocco: Speaking of expertise, it looks like we have a lot of multitaskers on the session here.

[00:01:34] Josh Young: Yeah that's pretty standard answer.

[00:01:36] Josh Young: It's common across all webinars, don't you think?

[00:01:38] Laura Mastrorocco: Yes. In this day and age, we're all wearing so many hats for sure.

[00:01:44] Laura Mastrorocco: So let's go ahead and and why don't you tell us a little bit about PILOT?

[00:01:52] Josh Young: I will gladly do that. Ben Brooks, our founder and CEO, he's had held multiple positions in the HR world. SVP at [00:02:00] a large insurance provider Lockheed Martin, he's an executive coach in his own right.

[00:02:05] Josh Young: So what he's done is he's essentially taken two parts of PILOT, which is the HR part, as well as the executive coaching model and combine that into PILOT. So what we do is we've taken what happens in a, let's say normal one to one coaching model that's often provided to the top of the house, right? So C suite directors, VPs and we built a model that HR can scale.

[00:02:35] Josh Young: PILOT's a virtual six month career development program that takes a comprehensive approach to learning and growth. It's a cohort driven program that's built around four core learning experiences that support professional development. So we've got individual reflection activities. that are done one time a week and they're 10 minutes in length.

[00:02:58] Josh Young: They can be accessed [00:03:00] with an internet connection. So on a mobile phone, tablet, computer, wherever you're at, you can access them. They're delivered via email as well. So we use existing communication channels to make access much easier. We've got group coaching, which is done one time a month. 60 minutes in length.

[00:03:20] Josh Young: It's hosted by PILOT via Zoom with a group of three. So we've got a host, a producer, and an ICF certified coach. And these two portions of the program are really designed to provide valuable introspection with the self reflection activities and guidance through that group coaching piece. And then we round out the program with.

[00:03:45] Josh Young: Skilled mentoring, or what we call executive fireside chats. These are three 60 minute sessions over the course of a six month program with three different executives or business unit leaders or industry [00:04:00] experts. It's really up to you to strategize as to who you want to present to these cohorts, essentially.

[00:04:07] Josh Young: And then we've got one on one future focus sessions with a manager. So we involve the manager in the process as well, to help give feedback and provide guidance to their direct reports that are participating in the program, to help them thrive in their development journey going forward. The program really has four core competencies that we want to foster, right?

[00:04:28] Josh Young: We want to improve the core competencies of inward reflection, soliciting feedback, practicing self advocacy, and encouraging proactive steps for personal and professional growth. Knowing versus taking action. So what you learn in the PILOT program, we're putting to work each and every day, each and every month throughout the course of that six months and beyond.

[00:04:55] Josh Young: So just because I know something doesn't mean I'm actually putting it into action. That's what PILOT helps to [00:05:00] unlock. I get asked a lot who PILOT's for, right? We work with companies big and small, everything from fashion designers to finance to sales to insurance. We have a wide composite of employees that have gone through PILOT's program.

[00:05:15] Josh Young: This is not focused on functional training whatsoever. We leave the functional training up to the experts in that business. We're working on the development piece. Thanks. So how can we unlock the potential and help your employees feel more powerful at work? And then we're also a diverse owned business and we've worked together hand in hand with a lot of these organizations on this page to to help further different initiatives, whether that's DEI, whether that's emerging leaders, high performers, high potential interactions and initiatives.

[00:05:52] Josh Young: And then I get asked, what does PILOT impact? What are the results that [00:06:00] PILOT's providing to these organizations? So at PILOT, I think it's important to, what differentiates us is we just don't want you to put this program in and say, check the box, right? I've got a development program. Here you go. Have at it.

[00:06:16] Josh Young: We want it to add value, right? We want, first of all, we want the employees to feel invested in, right? My company sees me, they hear me, and they're doing something about it. And then second, we help them prioritize their development. So you get a busy week, right? We understand that. So we have time appropriate activities, the group coaching 60 minutes, just one time a month.

[00:06:37] Josh Young: And then fireside chats just three times over the period of six months. So very doable, very accessible, high participation rates. And then we empower them to speak up. So really to advocate for themselves, right? Especially in a remote context or hybrid environment. We can't really see if someone's struggling [00:07:00] because they're not really right next to us in the office anymore, right?

[00:07:03] Josh Young: We're not having the water cooler talk to determine, Oh, hey, Laura, how are you doing today? How are you feeling? Right? We can't see that in a remote or hybrid environment. So helping them prioritize that development to make a meaningful connection through this development journey. And then, excuse me guys, I got a chest cold.

[00:07:24] Josh Young: So it's it is what it is today, but I'll make it through. Customer satisfaction scores, right? This is a standard measurement of happiness with a product or service. So we correct, collect feedback every time a participant touches or interacts with, our program. So the coaching activities, the self reflection, the fireside chats, as well as the manager feedback.

[00:07:47] Josh Young: And it's expressed as a 100. Great. Zero being terrible, right? So we take, hey, are you very satisfied or are you unsatisfied with this portion? And then we take the very [00:08:00] and satisfied to create the customer satisfaction score. And right now we're at a 91%. The gold standard with these types of programs is 80.

[00:08:11] Josh Young: Our intent to stay is very high, right? 80 percent of the participants say they intend to stay with their company for two or more years after going through PILOT's program. We've seen a 33 percent increase in participants that say their manager shows a genuine interest in their career aspirations. And then program usage, right?

[00:08:29] Josh Young: A lot of these programs get bought. They're never really used. And in fact, I think the benchmark for l and d programs out there is around 15% usage. Pilots sitting at a 73% and then NPS right? Benchmark for SaaS is on a negative 52 to a hundred scale category, right? And we're at a 52, not a negative 52.

[00:08:57] Josh Young: So we're in a very good spot, but we're [00:09:00] also always trying to improve that.

[00:09:04] Josh Young: All right, what I'm going to show you today, I'm going to run you through features and functions of PILOT's group coaching program. And here's what we're going to cover. We're going to cover the group coaching model, why the cohort model works. We're going to experience a session and we're going to see what the impacts are for the participants.

[00:09:26] Josh Young: We're going to talk about program planning and launch. How we're supporting HR and administration through this journey as well as the participants to get them started in going through the program. And then the ongoing support. How do we support the employees? How do we support the organization as they're launching this program, implementing it, and then keeping it going?

[00:09:48] Josh Young: And then reporting and program feedback, right? The nuts and bolts, the metrics, the analytics that everyone determines. Provides ROI, right? How do we measure that? How do we track that? [00:10:00] So we'll go over that as well. And Laura, if you can stop your share, I'm going to share the screen, go into the demo. While I'm doing that, can I get a plus one in the chat?

[00:10:21] Josh Young: If you align with what I was talking about in terms of, Hey, group coaching, right? Self reflection, future focused feedback, and skilled mentorship, right? If these are four important components to a development program, do you agree with that? Disagree? What's your take? While I pull this up.

[00:10:56] Laura Mastrorocco: Josh, you've got not a plus one, but a plus three.

[00:10:59] Josh Young: Wow, [00:11:00] thanks Dave. I appreciate that. Okay. Laura, can everyone, can you see my screen?

[00:11:08] Laura Mastrorocco: Yes, it looks great. Thank you.

[00:11:10] Before I get into the nuts and bolts of the program show you the functionality, I want to show you a quick video that I think is very powerful in terms of a testament to the participants and what they go through during the program and the outcomes that they feel they achieve after the fact. So this is a very powerful testimony that's not coming from me, not coming from PILOT, right? It's coming from actual participants that went through the program.

[00:11:40] [Video]: I was very, daunted and intimidated by chatting with You know, being in meetings with people three, four, five levels above my analyst role it was very intimidating, but PILOT helped me realize that it's not about title.

[00:11:53] [Video]: At the end of the day, you can still take responsibility and ownership over your work and still work within your space to gain [00:12:00] influence, to achieve results ultimately. Through PILOT being able to learn the, professional development and how to make my needs and wants heard. I was able to have a conversation with my directly managed PILOT.

[00:12:12] [Video]: And thankfully, because of those conversations and because of PILOT, my title changed. So I went from the Community Engagement Strategist to Social Media Content and Engagement Manager within a matter of six months. And now I have this framework of how do I work with my team to understand what needs they have?

[00:12:30] [Video]: How can I help them work more efficiently? And it's been a unique kind of questions or series of self reflection that I've gone through in PILOT and actually taking that same type of reflection on how I'm working for my team to make sure their needs are getting met and that they're able to work effectively.

[00:12:47] [Video]: PILOT enhanced that for me. It's to learn. Do and then teach and then just keep repeating that and then you will get better and better at the things that you are doing. I'm telling you, if you're not your biggest champion, [00:13:00] no one will be your biggest champion. Even if others believe in you, you can believe in yourself and advocate and champion for yourself.

[00:13:07] [Video]: It goes to the wayside. So the result, uh, I am happier. I have. I'm boosting my confidence. I have more challenge going out of my comfort zone, but it's, I'm okay with that. So thank you very much.

[00:13:24] I think it's a very powerful testament to the outcomes that PILOT achieves and wants for companies that, that use this platform.

[00:13:39] Josh Young: All right, now we're going to go into group coaching, right? That's what this is all about, right? Why the group coaching model?

[00:13:51] Josh Young: Group coaching, especially in professional environment is part of the PILOT methodology. So here we're bringing employees together [00:14:00] in a cohort to really engage with an ICF certified coach in a virtual environment that's vibrant, it's dynamic, and, it really, encourages participation. And that's the main thing, right?

[00:14:13] Josh Young: We want people to participate and engage in this learning experience. So why the cohort model in the first place? Better overall value, right? You have more people in the cohort, it drives the cost per employee down. So it's very attractive to HR in that regard. So it's better overall value.

[00:14:33] Josh Young: There's makes scheduling much easier because you're doing it for a group versus each individual. And then it makes it easier to scale because of the cost and being able to roll it out and scale it in a quick manner. So from an HR perspective this group coaching model provides provides a way for them to get coaching and development to a larger group within the organization.

[00:14:57] Josh Young: So you may have Let's say in a [00:15:00] large organization, you have different levels of employees, right? So Level 1 may be the C suite, right? But Level 7 and 8 may be your mid level to lower level managers. What PILOT's able to do is supplement existing programs. and to be scaled and delivered to those employees that may not get that leadership skill set or leadership development skills until they get up to higher levels.

[00:15:24] Josh Young: So it allows organization to touch farther and deeper down into the organization that may have that high potential, high performer or emerging leader talent to suss out at lower levels to prepare them when they their upward trajectory. It's proven as well that people do better in a cohort driven model, right?

[00:15:47] Josh Young: There's deeper learning outcomes, there's positive peer pressure, there's network expansion, there's a sense of belonging and connection. So you're creating a group coaching community where everyone supports each other, right? There's [00:16:00] common language about, around development. We're going through this together.

[00:16:04] Josh Young: So it's more fun and it's more effective. Like I mentioned earlier, these sessions are hosted by a pilot group of three. We have a professional host, professional producer, and then an ICF certified coach. It's done via Zoom. We facilitate it. We handle logistics, the scheduling, the nudging, getting people to participate.

[00:16:28] Josh Young: We use breakout rooms as well. So we handle all of that. It's a professional type 60 minute session. I'm going to run you through what the run of show looks like real quick. Each and every session, we have a warm up, kind of like an icebreaker. And then we'll move on to the community agreements, right?

[00:16:48] Josh Young: These are what we expect out of you as a participant, as you go through this session as well as future sessions. And then what's the big idea, [00:17:00] right? We have seven core themes that are part of the curriculum in the PILOT program. So each theme has a big idea. We're going to learn about that prior to getting into the actual coaching session so that everyone understands what we're going to be talking about.

[00:17:16] Josh Young: And then we use polls and group discussions to really engage and course people to participate, right? And then key distinctions, right? These coaches are coming in and they're You got mindsets, definitions, and frameworks, and a lot of the participants are going through the self reflection activities before they even get to the group coaching session.

[00:17:39] Josh Young: So they already have kind of a definition of what they think, let's say, management leadership and power means to them. But then they come into the group coaching session, and the coaches help to reframe or change their mindset in regard to what these core themes are and show them how they can actually apply those [00:18:00] to their role now in their career going forward, or where they want to be in the future.

[00:18:06] Josh Young: And we use breakout rooms typically done in breakout rooms of three. It's done two times, Laura, is it two or three times throughout the course of the group?

[00:18:15] Laura Mastrorocco: Yeah, each of the live coaching sessions has two breakout rooms.

[00:18:22] Josh Young: So the participants are encouraged to join their peers in a breakout room and learn from shared experience or a different perception. So in my breakout room that I did the other day, it was time management, workability, and focus. Big thing for me is time management. The others were workability and time management.

[00:18:43] Josh Young: So from a workability perspective, I was able to share what I have going on at my desk right now and how that helps me stay organized. And they were able to help give me tips and tricks essentially to talk about how they handle time management. So it's a shared experience. [00:19:00] You get different perspectives from your peers.

[00:19:03] Josh Young: So you're not just learning something, you're actually doing it by a shared experience. Pretty cool. And then knowing versus doing, right? Huge gap. Just like this. Little visual says right here, knowing can know everything, but am I actually putting it into action? And am I doing it right? So I see Dave has a comment.

[00:19:28] Josh Young: So using what I call the three I's of leadership development, information, inspiration, and implementation. This works great in a group coaching session, speaking from participation as well as leading. Yes, Dave, that is that's super important. I like the three I's information, inspiration, and implementation.

[00:19:45] Josh Young: They all have to do with putting it into action, right? Speaking of which, I'm going to play a short video. This is from one of our coaches, Diana Costian, who's talking about the difference between [00:20:00] knowing versus doing, and it's pretty good pretty good representation.

[00:20:04] [Video]: So before I go on to this slide, let me give you a quick little riddle.

[00:20:07] [Video]: Let's say, I have six brand new swimmers that are at the pool, right? It's summertime and six little swimmers, they all know how to swim there at the pool. Four of my swimmers decide to jump into the pool. How many swimmers are left on the side of the pool? Just scream it out. Two.

[00:20:28] [Video]: False.

[00:20:32] [Video]: Two. All right. I'm unsure. Huh. Yep, y'all are actually setting me up. Four of them decided to jump in the pool. That means I have six left because they decided. I didn't say four of them jumped in the pool. Language can be tricky. The reason I bring you this slide is because we know things. Y'all know what to do at work.

[00:20:51] [Video]: You know how to do it. You know how to advocate, but you choose not to because, oh, they're going to think that if I say that I need help, they're going to think they hired the wrong person and I'm stupid. [00:21:00] If I say that I want to move to something else, they're going to think that I'm ungrateful, right? So you know what you need.

[00:21:05] [Video]: And I will always fight with people to say, I think most people have some idea of what they need, but they're afraid to say it because of the consequence. So when you know something versus you do something, there's a gap and there's a hole. And in that hole, the reason I think knowing versus doing exists is because of assumptions.

[00:21:21] [Video]: I've been on trying to be healthier and that includes.

[00:21:26] Josh Young: So very true. So very true. Put a plus one in the chat if you think you got that the question that she asked about the swimmers. I know it now because I've seen this quite a bit, but at first she got me too. So there's the second breakout room that we'll do.

[00:21:43] Josh Young: Wrap up and feedback. So we'll go over the key points, key takeaways of the group coaching session. And then after the fact, there's a, an extra 10 minutes that we put on the back end for those that may have additional questions that they need to unpack with the coach or some that may feel, you [00:22:00] Mike, they don't want to talk in front of a group, right?

[00:22:02] Josh Young: They're shy and they don't want to speak up. So this gives them an opportunity to have that one on one with the coach.

[00:22:11] Josh Young: Laura, let me I'm gonna throw this back to you real quick. Can you talk about your experience in these sessions and what you've witnessed and some of the key-

[00:22:19] Laura Mastrorocco: Yeah, totally, Josh. You know, I often serve in the role of a host or a producer for our live coaching sessions. And I just had a session this morning that was the sixth in the series.

[00:22:31] Laura Mastrorocco: And we call it landing powerfully. And this is where we like tie together all of the concepts that we've worked on through the past six months. And it was so powerful to see these we call them members, the participants to see the members and their takeaways and how they had grown and gained insight over the six months.

[00:22:51] Laura Mastrorocco: It was really, it was so energizing and really makes my job so fulfilling. To learn about the growth and [00:23:00] development that takes place as a result of this program. So it was, it's pretty intense. Josh, one question that I have just dropped in the chat, but that I've heard a lot of people ask is, So I don't need extra head count to run this training program?

[00:23:17] Josh Young: No, you don't. And that's a theme of PILOT's overall program and I would say intentional delivery method, right? So we manage everything centrally. We like I said, we handle the logistics and facilitation of all the group coaching sessions. All the individual reflection activities are delivered via us every Tuesday.

[00:23:40] Josh Young: You access that over existing communication channels. So it's a very low lift for HR. So you can actually put this into an existing. I would say L& D ecosystem or an existing kind of professional development landscape, whatever you have at your organization. [00:24:00] And I don't want to say that it's a set it and forget it.

[00:24:05] Josh Young: Cause it's not that at all. It's very, we're very involved and we managed that up to your expectations, but what it is it is a turnkey program. You can implement it very quickly and it's very low lift because we centrally manage essentially all functionality and delivery of the program. Does that answer your question, Laura?

[00:24:26] Laura Mastrorocco: Thanks so much, Josh. Yes, it does.

[00:24:28] Josh Young: Got it. We're going to run you through the impact, right? What are people saying about their coaching sessions, right? Nestle, right? The session went by so quickly. These questions were comfortable for breakout rooms and it was a fun space. So it goes back to that camaraderie and shared experience and hearing from different perspectives from a different group of people.

[00:24:52] Josh Young: I loved today's session. It felt really good to talk about what I was going to do this week and in order to get my needs met. Also wonderful to [00:25:00] hear about what others. plan to do, right? So essentially I learned what I needed to do, and then I set intentional out, I was intentional about setting goals, timelines, and what I wanted to get accomplished during the week.

[00:25:16] Josh Young: So again, turning knowing into doing. And then we realized that Schedules don't always align with these group coaching sessions, things come up, priority, take priority over say like this coaching session during the week. What we do is we provide session recaps, instead of giving you a video of a 60 minute session, we'll condense these down to three, three minute videos that cover all of the key distinctions, key points and key takeaways of that coaching session. And you can access this async at your leisure whenever you have time to do that, do so. So you don't miss out on these group coaching [00:26:00] sessions.

[00:26:02] Josh Young: Program planning and launch, this is super important, right? Because launching new programs, implementing new programs, buying new programs as an HR professional in already a lack of budget and I would say sometimes capacity, right? Resources, right? It's not easy.

[00:26:24] Josh Young: So at PILOT, we understand this and we want to make the planning launch for programs as easy as possible for our customers. So each customer is essentially assigned a customer service manager and a product delivery manager that work with the customers pre program, during the program, and post program.

[00:26:43] Josh Young: So as you can see right now, we're working on inspiration for cohorts. So we'll work with you at the start to determine, okay, what population of employees makes sense to go through a leadership skills development program, right? [00:27:00] And here are some of the use cases that we have, and that we've done for several of our customers.

[00:27:05] Josh Young: And they've involved, leadership and succession. DNI, or DENI sometimes with their ERGs, leadership councils, things like that. And business unit specific, it may be you want 30 people to go in the marketing department to go through a leadership development program or as a manager, I have. Five employees in my business unit.

[00:27:29] Josh Young: Another manager has five employees in their business unit, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. And they want to create a cohort of manager nominated employees to go through this could be high performers, emerging leaders or they met KPIs and you want to reward them and then by department by function.

[00:27:45] Josh Young: So there's several different types of use cases that we would work with you to suss out as to what makes sense for your organization. It's very important to make that distinction too, because. You want to make sure if someone's going through [00:28:00] this program that they want to learn. That's a key component of this, right?

[00:28:05] Josh Young: They're hungry for that knowledge. They want to get better. They want to develop themselves. That's where we see the most success.

[00:28:16] Josh Young: And then implementation and kickoff, right? This is another thing that we do as a shared services, right? Shared services model. So we're working with you to really understand, okay, what's the strategic? So what's the strategic goal of this program? What do you want to accomplish? Why I mentioned it earlier, we realize it's an investment.

[00:28:39] Josh Young: So we want to establish a mutual plan of action, or what you're looking at now is what we call a charter. What do you hope to accomplish? What are your objectives? How will you measure it? What are the key drivers for success? What potential roadblocks might exist, right? What could pop up that we need to be aware of and get ahead of?

[00:28:58] Josh Young: And then, who are you working [00:29:00] with on PILOT's team, as well as who's going to be administering that on your team? Let's exchange contacts. Let's make sure that communication free flows back and forth so we can push measurements. analytics, metrics to you. And then we can fill your questions in real time.

[00:29:24] Josh Young: We've created a very interactive like sign up page. This is the first. This is what participants are going through the program. See at first, right? This is their first experience. It's sleek, it's clean, it's modern, right? It's not like your traditional HR programs that say, hey, go here, do this.

[00:29:45] Josh Young: It's very different than that. And what we've done is we co brand this with your logo, right? So, XYZ company is using PILOT to deliver a coaching and development program for A, B, and C employees [00:30:00] over the next six months. This is what our expectations are, what the goals we want to achieve out of this program.

[00:30:07] Josh Young: And then, what are you going to experience? Here are the four modes of learning that we talked about earlier. The individual reflection, group coaching, manager feedback, and then fireside chats. And then, we'll talk about the key. the seven impactful coaching series themes, right? So you'll understand out of each week or each month what you're going to be discussing, and then we'll show, okay, this is month two, what we're going to be going through, individual reflection activity, reflection activity, reflection activity, live group coaching.

[00:30:42] Josh Young: Right? What are we going to discuss? What are you going to experience? So it's very detailed. It gives them, as well as their managers and the administrators and potentially the executives that are looking at the return of investment on these programs, what they're going to be doing.[00:31:00]

[00:31:01] Josh Young: And then, of course, we roll out we understand that change management is big when you're rolling out these programs. So we handle all the comms, right? We provide you with customizable templates a one pager, which this needs to be updated, but because we've recently changed, but to roll out to maybe the managers and the participants of who PILOT is, what we do, what outcomes we, we hope to affect.

[00:31:25] Josh Young: quick video, and then for the managers, we're talking about, hey, here's what they're going to be going through in PILOT. This gives you a good framework or good idea of what they're going to be learning and how you could potentially help them along that. That six month program journey. I've

[00:31:46] Josh Young: said a lot. Any questions?

[00:31:54] Josh Young: Laura, do you have any questions?

[00:31:57] Laura Mastrorocco: I'm not seeing any coming in. The thing that [00:32:00] I also hear a lot of people ask about is it sounds like it's a big ask for the managers.

[00:32:12] Josh Young: In what regard?

[00:32:14] Laura Mastrorocco: Like a time requirement on their behalf.

[00:32:18] Josh Young: So there's not a large time commitment from the managers. I will show you what is involved or what they're running through. Okay. So their level of participation in this, right? They go through a one One hour group coaching session to start, right?

[00:32:44] Josh Young: They're learning about what it means in terms of development. How do we define it? What does that mean? What are the participants going to go through and how can I help support them? So it's done with all managers on the front end. So it's just 60 minutes. And [00:33:00] then they're asked to give a pre program assessment for their direct reports that are going through this.

[00:33:08] Josh Young: Those are 15 minutes. It's basically a survey that says, Hey, I think Laura, if I were to rank her from a satisfactory to very satisfactory in time management, we'll rate her at a four, right? Okay, that's great. She looks like she, she does that well. But when it comes to soliciting feedback, I think she could be more proficient in that.

[00:33:30] Josh Young: So let's use this to set a development objective. So I'll go in and do that and then we give them the framework to incorporate development mental discussions throughout the course of this six month program that they can use in their discussion. I don't know, weekly, monthly, quarterly, one on ones to talk about development that's not based on performance, right?

[00:33:57] Josh Young: We want them to say, hey, what does Laura [00:34:00] 2. 0 look like? Where does she want to go? How can I help her get there? And then at the end, you've got another 15 minute assessment. So as you can see, it's, let's see, two and a half, It's 30, it's three hours over the course of six months. That's the lift.

[00:34:16] Laura Mastrorocco: Yeah, that seems super reasonable.

[00:34:19] Josh Young: Exactly. Yeah, it's not much to ask whatsoever, but it is very impactful when managers start to integrate themselves into this development journey that their direct reports are going through. All right. Let's see, talk about the comms. Ongoing support or ongoing operations, right? Mm hmm. Our philosophy here is pretty simple, right? We want to create a sustainable structured and consistent program for both HR and participants, right? If HR, if it's difficult for them, then it's probably not going to be rolled out.

[00:34:54] Josh Young: It's probably not going to be bought. It's probably not going to garner participation, [00:35:00] right? So it has HR, as well as the employees. And then, we don't believe that you should have to build A support or operations plan since our shared service model owns most of the administration, right? So we do the scheduling, we do the customer service, we do staffing.

[00:35:22] Josh Young: So producer, host, certified coach, we handle all the troubleshooting. We handle all of the reporting. We check in on a monthly basis, customer success works with administration on HR side to push out all the reports and analytics and metrics so that you understand the impact of the program is having in real time and then call initiation and facilitation, right?

[00:35:49] Josh Young: We nudge the employees. Hey, you've got a reflection activity coming up or you've missed two reflection activities. Here's the link. You can access those before you go in to [00:36:00] say this group coaching session, right? So you can be prepared. You can catch up rather quickly before you get in that group coaching session.

[00:36:07] Josh Young: So we help them nudge them to prioritize that development so that they do participate and engage and take full advantage of the program that they're going through.

[00:36:18] Laura Mastrorocco: I recently talked to one of the alumni went through the six months of the live coaching and they said they couldn't believe how much this whole series not only affected their professional life, but also their personal life.

[00:36:40] Laura Mastrorocco: And when I asked them if if they would go through the program again. Because they were saying, I'm actually sad that it's over. They said, yeah, the only thing I would do differently is do each and every one of the activities because now I see the value in those 10 minutes a [00:37:00] week and how it all builds upon itself.

[00:37:03] Laura Mastrorocco: And and I just thought that was interesting that so she had gone back at the end and filled in those activities that she had missed.

[00:37:12] Josh Young: Yeah it's really easy for them to do and that's one of the major components that, we wanted to build into our delivery model because, hey, much like the programs I talked about earlier that are bought by HR by Learning and Development, right? They're self guided. So it's up to the individual participant, most of the time to go in and take that step.

[00:37:35] Josh Young: let's say development journey, training journey, certification journey on their own, right? So what PILOT did is they wrapped this around the employee and said, Hey, we want you to take full advantage of this program. We know it helps. We know the impact that it can have on individuals. We want you to get the most out of it.

[00:37:54] Josh Young: So let's prioritize that development. We're going to help you do that. We're going to manage the [00:38:00] program and we're going to have a mutual shared success model. And get the desired outcomes that we want. I say all that because, our customer service and our product teams they really stepped in to help the program and member growth be consistent. They want that participation because they know the impact that this program can have as well as if I'm an HR buyer. And I purchase a program.

[00:38:24] Josh Young: Sometimes I'm saying, Hey, this is my career on the line here because I want to purchase this program because I think it's going to make an impact. Well, if the numbers aren't there, then there might be a problem, right? How can you justify the budget? With PILOT, we help you with that shared success model.

[00:38:43] Josh Young: We're helping you, helping your participants prioritize their development, use the platform. So therefore you can show the metrics in real time. to leadership. And then a seamless experience no matter what happens, right? Laura, you [00:39:00] mentioned earlier, right? Like, how do I not need extra headcount for this?

[00:39:03] Josh Young: Since we handle the delivery, the facilitation, and logistics, and centrally manage it, and we're pushing everything to you and the participants, it doesn't matter what happens internally. You could have one person that's administering this program part time. And it's still going to go off without a hitch.

[00:39:22] Josh Young: If that individual were to say, be going on vacation have an emergency sickness, whatever happens on the HR team PILOT's program rolls on. And an example, perfect example of that is one of our customers, CHRO, a smaller organization around, I don't know, 50 to 75 employees, I believe. She brought PILOT on board.

[00:39:46] Josh Young: Shortly after that, she went out on maternity leave. And when she was gone, she didn't need to worry about the program. She was doing regular check ins with her direct reports. And when she got back, PILOT's [00:40:00] program was up and running, no issues, fully taken care of on its own. So that's just a testament to our delivery team, to our customer success team, and the product itself and how we packaged and delivered it.

[00:40:16] Josh Young: Now, the metrics, the analytics. Reporting, the feedback, right? We believe that data tells a story, right? It's invaluable tool for learning professionals. Research from LinkedIn, in fact, says that learning professionals need both qualitative and quantitative data. to show how their development programs are mapping to company objectives, right?

[00:40:41] Josh Young: And so with this feedback, we've built a robust set of reporting, like we call it your PILOT Success Story. These reports are packed with data and stories that serve as essentially your mission control for showcasing the impact of the program. They make it effortless to keep track of [00:41:00] how your program's progressing, sharing updates with your team and business partners, and then you can link your initiatives directly to your business goals inside of these reports and metrics analytics that you're going to be receiving.

[00:41:14] Josh Young: So things that our reports are consistent, right? You're informed from the beginning with the charter to the end the progress. We push out reporting and analytics. Measurements to you one time a month. They're easy to understand. They're very clear. They're very concise. The themes on the programs are front and center.

[00:41:36] Josh Young: So what do we want to get out of this? Leadership, power, management, time management, focus. What does that mean in terms of what your business unit or these cohorts are going through. What are the goals you want them to achieve? So we take the themes and tie those to your goals and objectives within the organization.

[00:41:57] Josh Young: The reports are actionable, right? So [00:42:00] we help give advice and, where to focus on efforts to get the most out of your investment. So let's say that, We might have a situation to where a couple of the participants have dipped off in their participation, so we can point that out to you, and then you can go and ask, okay, Johnny and Susie.

[00:42:24] Josh Young: What's happening? Why aren't you guys using the program? And we can help nudge and develop a plan of action to get them to participate. That's a very easy point, but still, nonetheless, I think, I hope that helps to to draw a visualization. And then clear business impact, right?

[00:42:42] Josh Young: We want to set goals and expectations up front so we can easily track those. And then it's quantitative and qualitative. And the numbers. With the participant quotes, right? These are stories, feedback, percentages, metrics. So it tells the [00:43:00] overall story of the program. And they're very easy to broadcast too.

[00:43:03] Josh Young: So with a push of a button you can send these reports up to leadership, team members, etc. So we've got before. So what we'll do is we'll essentially take the charter, what do we want to accomplish, We'll take the pulse starting out. Okay, this is a perception of your organization. How are we with goal setting?

[00:43:26] Josh Young: Do we have access to resources? You know, how are, how does my organization retain its employees? Are they good at that? Are my Glassdoor scores good? Kind of gives the pulse of their perception of the organization to start. And then during the program, we're giving status updates based on the goals that we've set the metrics that we want to show, the measurements that we're looking to achieve, right?

[00:43:50] Josh Young: And we're talking to executives, we're talking to managers and having them give input into, parts of this program as well. So you're seeing it from all [00:44:00] different angles. And then at the end, We'll send the program results. So your objectives were, your cohort results were, we have a good mixture of numbers, percentages, and then, quotes, feedback.

[00:44:14] Josh Young: So it gives that qualitative and quantitative data to tell the story. And, that's really the PILOT program in a nutshell when it comes to the group coaching piece. obviously other functionalities that we're not able to get to today but just wanted to talk about how you could use group coaching in conjunction with potentially other L& D programs out there to help reach farther down the organization and get that development, those leadership skills to Employees that might not necessarily get those until they go up a level and then you can easily do that, scale it out with a cohort based model without having to add any additional headcount, right?

[00:44:59] Josh Young: Very low lift [00:45:00] for HR. So with that, Laura, I will conclude.

[00:45:06] Laura Mastrorocco: All right, Josh, I'd like to share on some information about an upcoming webinar. If it would interest anyone on October 26th, we're putting on a webinar called Learning and Development, Building Leaders in a Landscape of Disruption and Uncertainty.

[00:45:23] Laura Mastrorocco: Dr. Stephanie Fritz will join us from S&P Global, along with Ben Brooks, the CEO and founder of PILOT, to discuss leveraging the external environment to drive internal change. And so we'd love to have you join us. You can scan the QR code there on the screen to register. We'd hope to see you there. The other tool that's available is on our website. We have a bunch of webinars coming up. Our website is pilot. coach. And under the resources tab, you'll see [00:46:00] upcoming webinars, and you can also go there to see what we have to offer.

[00:46:05] Laura Mastrorocco: I encourage you to reach out to Josh. Josh would love to connect with you all on LinkedIn, so allow me to drop his LinkedIn in the chat.

[00:46:18] Josh Young: We share some really good content, thought leadership, and valuable industry insights that that may, you might find beneficial.

[00:46:27] Laura Mastrorocco: And then also on this screen if you're interested in learning more about PILOT, we'd love to share with you.

[00:46:35] Laura Mastrorocco: So you, once again, you can either scan the QR code or I've dropped a link in the chat to book a demo. And we'd love to share more with you about our product and how it applies specifically to your needs and your organization.

[00:46:49] Laura Mastrorocco: Layton Boyd would be the one to reach out to you if you complete that book a demo.

[00:46:55] Laura Mastrorocco: That's all the time we have today. Thank you all so much for joining us [00:47:00] and we'd love to hear from you.

[00:47:01] Laura Mastrorocco: We'd love to connect with you either in a future webinar or in a demo. Definitely reach out to Josh on LinkedIn and have a great rest of your day.

[00:47:14] Josh Young: Thanks everyone.

[00:47:15] Laura Mastrorocco: Bye now.