Recorded Webinar
How PILOT Helps Your Managers Give Better Feedback
Want to learn more about PILOT? We’d love to connect with you and share how our award-winning, virtual employee development program offers HR leaders a simple way to boost productivity, morale and engagement.
[00:00:00] Laura Mastrorocco: And hello and welcome. For those of you who are just connecting, we're delighted to have you with us. We will be getting started here in just a minute or two. Welcome. So if you would, please let us know where you're connecting from. If you'll click to your chat panel and let us know where you're calling in from today.
[00:00:28] I'm Laura Mastrorocco coming to you from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
[00:00:36] All right. Hello, Michigan and New York. We've already got the whole four corners covered here. Yes. Columbus, Ohio and Phoenix, San Fran, Florida. All right. Ann Arbor and Frisco, Texas and Boston. We are all across the map. All right. Nashville is in the house. Thank you. So we will be getting started here in just a moment.
[00:01:05] If you're connecting. Hello and welcome. We're delighted to have you with us. Hi, Pam from Allentown. Glad you could be here. My name is Laura Mastarocco and I will be your producer for today's session. Today we're here to talk about how PILOT Help your managers give better feedback. And so we'll talk about harnessing PILOT to support and provide structure to career development conversations.
[00:01:34] And before I introduce our speaker to you, I would like to share with you some of the ways that we will communicate. So many of you have already opened your chat panel. Thank you so much for giving us a shout out. I do want to point out to make sure that your chat panel is set to everyone, so that everyone can benefit from your communication.
[00:01:57] And I welcome you at any time throughout our time together to drop questions in the chat. We'll get to them, if not right away, we'll circle back, but feel free to drop questions in the chat at any time. I do want to let you know that today's session is being recorded. And that PILOT will be sending out the recording via email.
[00:02:19] However, I do want you to know the chat panel is not recorded. It will not be sent out and therefore you can feel free to drop anything in the chat. There's no bad questions and we'd love to hear from everyone. So just to reiterate, we are recording this session. I always get people asking are you sending out that recording afterwards?
[00:02:39] And we are. We'll get it out to you after the session. So speaking of the chat panel, one of the values here at PILOT is vibrant, to show vibrancy. And I'd love to invite you all to be vibrant throughout our session by utilizing the chat panel. And one of the things that we do here is like giving a virtual high five.
[00:03:04] If you hear something that you want to show support or agreement, you can drop a plus one in the chat. And that's one way that you can exhibit vibrancy throughout our time together. Thank you, Jeff, for demonstrating. Yeah, if you're ready to jump in and get started, I'd love to see some plus ones in the chat.
[00:03:26] Let me know that you're here with us and ready to get started. Thank you all. Thank you so much. So please do allow me to I get to know you a little bit. First of all, we'd like to know what is your role at your organization? So I'm just launching a polling question. And please select whichever response applies and then select the submit button to the lower right.
[00:03:54] We'd love to hear from all of you. And we'll hold off just for a few more seconds here. If we haven't listed your role, you can select other and utilize the chat panel to, to specify.
[00:04:12] We'll go just about three more seconds. If you haven't hit submit yet, please do so at this time.
[00:04:22] And while those are still coming in, let me go ahead and introduce our speaker today, Jeff Wahlberg. So Jeff is part of our sales and partnership team here at PILOT. Jeff works with companies of all sizes to identify talent development goals and plans. And Jeff is based in Santa Barbara, California. So welcome, Jeff.
[00:04:50] Jeff Walburg: Thanks, Laura. Great to be here. Great to see a lot of activity already in the chat. Thanks everyone for showing up. I'm looking forward to talking about managers and helping managers give better feedback. Hot topic in the conversations I'm having. And Jeff, it looks like in our poll, the majority of our respondents are in another HR function.
[00:05:13] But then we also have quite a few in learning and development. Perfect. Maybe if you're in that other or all of the above, maybe in the chat. Just so I've got a good idea of who's here today, tell me what your role is, maybe it's your title, maybe it's what you oversee, so maybe it's leadership development, maybe it's HR generalist, thanks Lindsay HRG, thanks Rosie that just gives me a good sense and we can even tailor the time today based on who's here.
[00:05:43] Got a few HRBPs, HR managers, perfect, super helpful.
[00:05:57] All right. Thank you all for sharing, sharing in the chat. Love it. I love to see that engagement. Perfect. Before we dive in and talk about what PILOT or helping managers give better feedback. Let me talk a little bit about what. Let me give you just a sneak peek. Many of you maybe showed up and you've poked around on our website, or you've had conversations with us in the past, or you've been to another webinar.
[00:06:25] But before I dive into the unique features of how PILOT helps managers give better feedback, I always like to give a high level View and in just a nutshell. What is PILOT? What do we do? So if you were to put it in a tweet or a thread or whatever might be I say that PILOT is a Six month comprehensive employee development program and it's really built on four core experiences.
[00:06:51] And that's what you're seeing here on the slide. And it's really meant to reflect what happens in a one on one or an executive coaching relationship. I'll sometimes talk about these as being the four modes of learning. So they're listed there, group coaching, executive fireside chats, individual reflection activities, and one on one manager feedback for growth.
[00:07:14] So we're going to talk about a couple of these today and how they support helping managers get better feedback. But just very high level, the group coaching, of course, happens on a regular basis. And in the group coaching model, of course, you meet with your coach. So I'll talk specifically how we do that at PILOT.
[00:07:32] The executive fireside chats is another way to think about it is mentorship at scale. If you meet with a coach regularly, your coach may ask you to find someone else. who's further along in their career, who can share with you and talk with you about their career path and maybe the unwritten rules of work.
[00:07:48] How did they got to this place in their professional life? And then the individual reflection activities are very similar. If you meet with a coach between your coaching sessions, you may be asked to reflect on an idea or work on a project so that when you come back to your coaching session, you've got.
[00:08:05] something specific to talk about and some insights to take action on. And then of course, that one on one manager feedback for growth. That's really about tying what happens in the coaching relationship back to someone's work. And what we've found is that managers are one of the most important ways to do that.
[00:08:22] And that manager giving and receiving feedback is one of the most critical things. That needs to happen in an organization for employees to feel like they're being invested in, to feel like they want to stay with the organization, to drive productivity. So we're going to spend a bulk of the time today talking about that.
[00:08:40] Now, I also always get asked, who is PILOT for, if that's what PILOT is. Who is PILOT for? I say PILOT has been recognized by a wide range of organizations and industry awards and certifications for the work that we are doing the value that we deliver. And that's across a really wide spectrum of companies from small.
[00:09:03] Bleeding edge startups to large, well established Fortune 500 companies. It's really for everyone, companies of any size. The next question I always get is what's the impact? What can we expect to see from PILOT? What's the result going to be? What's in it for me? What's in it for my employees to go through the program?
[00:09:21] And I sometimes break that up into two categories. One is the qualitative impact and the quantitative impact. And we're going to talk about that a little bit more in depth today as well. But as far as the qualitative impact, what you can expect for your employees, your managers maybe their teams who go through the program, is that they're going to feel value.
[00:09:40] They're going to feel invested in by the organization, by you, by HR and talent leaders. They're going to feel like development is a priority and they're going to learn how to prioritize their own development through building these weekly habits. They're also going to feel empowered to advocate not only for themselves but also for their teams and not just relying on HR are just relying on the next level of leadership.
[00:10:03] They're also going to connect meaningfully with their colleagues in a way that drives belonging and inclusion, which is really closely tied to retention, intent to stay with an organization. And then quantitative data is about, hey, what are some of the metrics of the benchmarks? What can you expect to see as a result of PILOT?
[00:10:23] Right off the bat, you're seeing the left hand side there, a CSAT that's measured with just about everything you use has a customer satisfaction score. The gold standard for CSAT is 80%. At PILOT, we measure just about every touchpoint across the program, and our CSAT across those is 91%. A couple of other data points, intent to stay 80 percent very closely tied to addressing retention and attrition.
[00:10:49] 33 percent increase in PILOT participants who say that their managers show a genuine interest in their aspirations, right? Very closely tied to helping managers give better feedback. And then last one I'll point out is the MAU number. That's that 73%. Now the benchmark for other L& D programs and platforms is typically 10 to 15 percent.
[00:11:11] With PILOT, the engagement with the platform, we see 73 percent MAU across all of our tools. So moving forward, let me just give you a quick rundown of what we're going to talk about today in depth. We're not going to talk about all the four modes of learning, right? There's group coaching, there's executive firesides, there is individual reflection activities and manager feedback for growth.
[00:11:36] We're going to talk specifically about group coaching. What, why is it important? How do we do group coaching at PILOT? You get to experience a little bit of a session today, and then we'll talk about the impact for those who go through those sessions, the impact for the participants. Next, we'll spend the bulk of the time on manager.
[00:11:53] feedback. How do you help managers give better feedback, right? That's the catalyst for this whole webinar is how do you give managers better feedback? So we're going to spend a lot of time talking about the framework that we use, the support that we give, how we drive this, how we develop that competency of giving and receiving feedback.
[00:12:13] And then I'll talk about reporting. What do we report on? Why? How do we do it? When does reporting happen? How do we track before, during, and after the program? And what are the results and the, that you can expect to see? And how are they compared against other benchmarks? All right, let me
[00:12:31] Laura Mastrorocco: Jeff, I'll go ahead and stop sharing so that you can get your screen set up.
[00:12:35] But in the meantime, I just wanted to share with you that yEARS ago, I worked in the electronics industry as a manager. And at that time, I had no support, no, no guideline, I was thrust into this management role. And when I look back, Jeff. At the lack of support that I had, I wish I knew about PILOT back then because it would have been a whole different world for me.
[00:13:05] Jeff Walburg: Yeah. And you know what, Laura, this, it's not, I'm not just saying this because you said that. I hear that on a a weekly, almost a daily basis from HR and talent leaders who say, Hey, we, a lot of it is, Hey, we hide really fast recently. Like the business grew after or during COVID, but as a result, we promoted people very quickly, but now the equipping and the enablement for those managers is just starting to catch up.
[00:13:31] So you had a lot of managers who were put into management roles, but didn't know how to. feedback. They didn't know how to advocate for their team. They didn't know how to take the time for themselves to reflect on their own career goals and how they can better support their team. And then ultimately how to take action on those things.
[00:13:51] And those are some of the core career competencies that we focus on with PILOT. Everyone should be seen more. Maybe just give me a thumbs up, feel powerful at work and video in the background. Yep. It's looking good. Thank you. Perfect. So I I start here. This is actually the landing page when someone first signs up for PILOT.
[00:14:10] Like if you're a participant, what we call a member and you're going through the program, this might be your first exposure to PILOT. And I'm not going to talk a lot about how we sign up and how we implement and kick off. That said, I'm more than happy to do that. Another conversation or another time if anyone's interested, but I start here because that feel powerful at work.
[00:14:29] That's our mission is helping everyone feel powerful at work. So when we think about group coaching manager feedback reporting, when we think about those core career competencies of. self reflection, giving and receiving feedback, advocating for yourself, and taking action. It's really helping to drive employees to feel powerful at work.
[00:14:49] So if you're a manager, feeling powerful at work might mean for you that you know how to give and receive feedback, because it empowers your team. It drives development and less time spent on supervision. If you're an individual contributor and your manager needs support, giving and receiving feedback you now.
[00:15:08] After going through PILOT may feel empowered to advocate and ask for that feedback. So you're going to hear me talk about what does it mean to feel powerful at work as I walk through each of these components. So let me start with where we're PILOT really started and that's group coaching. At its core, PILOT is a started with the idea of how do we take group coaching or how do we take one on one coaching and scale it for broader impact, right?
[00:15:35] By definition, one on one coaching is not scalable. What happens in one conversation isn't applicable to another. And. We started with the idea of how do we reflect what happens in a typical coaching relationship and the foundation was these professional group coaching sessions. So what this is, it is throughout the six month program, we do monthly one hour coaching sessions supported by a three person crew from PILOT.
[00:15:58] It's a professional certified coach. a host and a producer. The coach is certified. They're from a diverse range of backgrounds, experiences, ethnicities, demographics, geographies, and it's very intentional. We want to bring in diverse perspectives so that when they're in those coaching sessions, employees are getting a broad perspective.
[00:16:20] Maybe the challenges that they're facing. And these sessions are meant to be very participatory and we'll walk through what that looks like. And they're meant to drive action. They're also meant to be inclusive. That's why we do them on zoom. So maybe got employees who are in different locations.
[00:16:34] Here's an opportunity for them to come together in, in one virtual place at one time throughout the program.
[00:16:43] I did talk about it, but I'll just point out that these group coaching sessions are on a similar theme. We're not going to talk about the individual reflection activities, but those build up to these group coaching sessions that happen once a month, and we utilize a shared development plan throughout PILOTs program.
[00:17:00] For instance, you may have a session that's on management, leadership, and power. Everyone in it. This group coaching session, and this is done in a cohort model. So it may be your managers at a certain level, typically 15 to 30 people in a single cohort. And you're talking about the same ideas in each coach coaching session.
[00:17:21] So let me just give you a run a show of what happens in the coaching session and how we how we utilize that shared development plan and what's happening at your organization to help drive the specific goals that you're trying to address. So these are tight one hours. Very intentionally. So we don't want to go over.
[00:17:39] We want to make the most of the time, but it's not like a webinar. It's not like today where there's, yEARS, no video, no audio. It's meant to be this opportunity for you to come and show up. And we even have this upfront agreement, this community agreements on what it looks like to show up in this session.
[00:17:56] And then from there, the big idea. So again, that shared development. plan. We have a shared development topic or objective that we're talking about that month. And that coach will lead with a big idea related to that. And then it's going to be dynamic. You're in polls, you're in group, larger group, everyone together.
[00:18:15] And then you jump into a breakout room with three or four people with some of your colleagues to talk about an idea, or maybe a key distinction, a framework or a definition that the coach is bringing. And What I really love about this is yes, we utilize a shared development plan throughout the program, but we also do it within the context of what's happening at your organization.
[00:18:35] So maybe for you, you showed up today because you are really focused on helping managers give better feedback. Maybe that's tied to a specific initiative, or maybe it's tied to you're doing performance reviews, or you're revamping your performance review process for the end of the and you really want managers to be able to give better.
[00:18:53] feedback. When you come to these coaching sessions, they're going to be in the context, and you're going to have the opportunity to fine tune the way that we talk about these development objectives, because we understand the context of what's happening in your organization. So these coaches are going to come in and come in knowing what's happened within your organization.
[00:19:13] And we're going to still talk about these same objectives and these same development goals, but it's going to be in the context of what's happening at your company. So breakout rooms. I'm actually going to play one of these clips here. Let's do this one. This is a great knowing versus doing part of each coaching session.
[00:19:31] We're often talking about brainstorming. How do you take some of the insights from the weekly reflection activities and then turn those into action?
[00:19:42] Various: So before I go into this slide, let me give you a quick little riddle. Let's say, I have six brand new swimmers that are at the pool, right? It's summertime and six little swimmers. They all know how to swim. They're at the pool. 4 of my swimmers decide to jump into the pool. How many swimmers are left on the side of the pool?
[00:20:02] Just scream it out to. All
[00:20:12] right, I'm sure. Uh, huh. Yep. Y'all actually set me up 4 of them decided to jump in the pool. That means I have 6 left because they decided I didn't say for them jumped in the pool. Language can be tricky. The reason I bring you this slide is because we know things y'all know what to do at work. You know how to do it.
[00:20:31] You know how to advocate, but you choose not to because oh, they're going to think that if I say that I need help, they're going to think they hired the wrong person. And I'm stupid. If I say that I want to move to something else, they're going to think that I'm ungrateful, right? So you know what you need.
[00:20:44] And I will always fight with people to say, I think most people have some idea of what they need, but they're afraid to say it because of the consequence. So when you know something versus you do something, there's a gap, and there's a hole. And in that hole, the reason I think knowing versus doing exists is because of assumptions.
[00:21:00] Jeff Walburg: I've been on trying to be healthier, and that includes, So I love what you heard there and that relates to the core competency that we try to develop through a PILOT that I've mentioned a few times is taking action, right? It's great if you know how to give and receive feedback or you know how to advocate for your team, but if you don't take action on those things, then you're really leaving a lot on the table.
[00:21:22] And so we talk. on a regular basis throughout PILOT about knowing and doing. So that's actually one of the things that happens is in these coaching sessions is action planning. What are you going to do now? And sometimes maybe that's jumping back into a breakout room and talking with two or three of your colleagues about what you're going to do based on the insights that you took away from the coaching session.
[00:21:42] And then we always like to wrap up and gauge, all right, Let's document the feedback with gauge satisfaction and then leave some time at the end for additional Q and A. So maybe you came with a specific challenge or a specific question. You're going to have an opportunity to ask that professional certified coach who's in the room, who understands the context of what's happening at your organization.
[00:22:01] And you've just gotten to know over this last hour. There was a great question in the chat while that video was playing about where, how do we make these cohorts, where to Are they your peers or other organizations? They're typically from just your organization. So it's peers at one company. So often this looks like maybe a certain department or a certain management level or individual contributors on certain teams.
[00:22:28] Or maybe it's an angle where you're saying, Hey, we really want to support our DEI leadership or those that have a specific role within the company. But it, yes, it's just organization in these cohorts, 15 to 30 is the typical size.
[00:22:48] So let me just touch on the impact. What do we hear? And this is going to be very qualitative and we'll talk about quantitative here in a minute, but, I won't read all of these, but I'll point out some highlights. These are just testimonials from participants, what we call members who have gone through PILOTs program in the past, talking about the group coaching sessions at the top there.
[00:23:06] If someone from Hearts and Science, I like how they talked about, Hey, it was wonderful to hear what others plan to do, and there was this sense of accountability with these group coaching sessions, because you're here with your colleagues hearing what others are going to do and like Laura put in the chat.
[00:23:20] It's also a great opportunity for networking. Maybe you've got managers. Or individual contributors who are in different office locations, but now here's an opportunity for them to collaborate together and action plan together and network with those who maybe they would not have had the opportunity to do so.
[00:23:36] Otherwise, next up, someone from Johnson and Johnson, their last line there. I actually set a timeline right. We've spent a lot of time focusing on taking action. It's not just learning some ideas and themes. Those are very important, but those steps to set the stage for taking action. And at the bottom, someone from Nestle USA mentioned that the questions were comfortable for the breakout rooms and it was a fun space.
[00:24:00] And I hopefully you saw a little bit of that in that short video that I played, that it's really meant to be an inviting, inclusive, comfortable space for these coaching sessions. But we're also there to drive action. We're dry there to drive insights that are really meaningful for the participants who are going through the program.
[00:24:19] Now, I always get asked, all right what happens if you miss a coaching session? And so what we do is we do session recap. So of course, showing up live is the best case, but if you cannot, for some reason, we do a 10 minute activity where we recap some of the key takeaways from a coaching session.
[00:24:36] With videos and a couple of questions for someone to walk through so they can still glean some of the information if they miss one of these live coaching sessions. All right, so that is that's group coaching, right? The foundation of where PILOT started. I'm going to move now to manage your feedback.
[00:24:55] Again, much of what maybe a lot of you showed up and signed up for this webinar today was how do you help your managers give better feedback and how does PILOT help your managers get better feedback? As I pull that up, if you have questions, if there's other questions about the group coaching, how we do it, what it looks like, how often it happens, anything like that, you're welcome to drop in the chat.
[00:25:16] It's always easier to answer them in real time than to circle back to them at the end of the call. Same thing now as we walk through manager feedback. If you've got questions, please drop them in the chat. I'll try to keep my eye on it. I know Laura is doing the same, so we're more than happy to pause and answer those in real time.
[00:25:35] All right, so the second component, the second mode of learning that we utilize within PILOT and reflects what happens in a coaching relationship is the future focused And really what this is meant for why we include this is we want to help develop better managers who spend less of their time supervising employees and more of their time developing.
[00:25:56] So I'm going to talk about the time commitment for managers. And how it's really meant to drive less time supervising their direct reports because they're developing them and teaching them to advocate for themselves to take their own action to on their own given receive feedback. And it's also meant to be really easy so that managers can engage with this feedback component in a very intuitive simple way that drives retention that creates opportunity for them, and for the employees to continue to stay with the organization.
[00:26:28] So what this looks like, the components of the future focus manager feedback is an initial group coaching session up front, pre and post program assessments, access to our model for development conversations, and then a tool to create development conversations or development objectives. So I just want to pause and if you're thinking about managers and addressing managers, I want you to think about this component PILOT in maybe two different ways.
[00:26:57] One would be, and maybe we have managers who are going through the entire PILOT program, right? They're doing the reflection activities. They're going to every single month group coaching session. They're going to the executive fireside chats, which are happening every other month. And now they're going to engage.
[00:27:14] They're going to, of course, be learning about giving and receiving feedback as a member or participant in all those components of the program, but now they're also going to engage with their manager on having future focused development conversations, which, of course, they're going to now learn how to do that with their teams.
[00:27:32] So if that's one angle to think about, another is to think about individual contributors who are going through PILOT as a participant or a member, we say, where they're doing all those reflection activities, all the group coaching sessions, all the executive fireside chats, and now they're engaging with their manager in this future focus feedback component.
[00:27:51] And so it may be that. You're trying to address a certain population or level of managers. And maybe for you, it works best to have that level of manager go through every component of PILOT. Maybe it means having their team go through every component of PILOT as individual contributors or a next level down in leadership or management.
[00:28:12] So just to summarize what the manager experience is like what the components are of the future focus manager feedback is at the very beginning of the program before the six month starts, there was an initial one hour coaching session specifically for managers, and it's really helping to equip them to understand what's going to happen throughout the rest of the program.
[00:28:32] How do you give and receive feedback. How do you have these growth conversations, which are going to be prompted to do throughout the program? That is a one hour session, very similar to what you saw already with the typical monthly group coaching sessions. Next, those mainers are going to be prompted to give feedback in a pre assessment.
[00:28:51] Typically takes 15 minutes. It's done in the first few weeks of the program, and it really sets the stage for future development conversations. And then throughout the next four months of the program, they're going to be prompted to have growth conversations. So you've seen on there an hour and a half.
[00:29:06] That's a suggested time. Maybe that's 20 or 30 minutes over three to four months where if you're already having one on ones or if you're not maybe this is a good opportunity to do them to have these brief conversations about future development. And I'm going to talk to you about the support and guidance we give for that.
[00:29:24] That step four is at the end acknowledging progress and we do this through a post assessment where the manager does an assessment at the end of the program so you can track change over time based on these growth conversations that they're being prompted to do. And so what we've built, the tools that we have for these development conversations and giving feedback is our EARS model.
[00:29:46] And it's really guides managers to have these coaching conversations with their employees. EARS stands for a step establish, assess, review, and shake. And it's a real easy, repeatable four step process that employees and managers can have, and that managers can set the stage for in a way that helps them get over the hump.
[00:30:04] the hurdle of having a development conversation. It's often easy to talk about performance or maybe you're required to talk about performance, but that's usually an audit of the past, right? What have you done in the past? So if you're a manager and you're having a performance review with your employee, you're looking, Hey, what did you do in the past?
[00:30:22] It's really hard sometimes to be like, all right how do we look at the future now? What could the next version of you look like? What's the 2. 0 of you? What's something we could focus on for you in the next six months or the next performance cycle? And that's specifically what this component is meant to do, is to provide the tools and resource and the prompts throughout the program to have these development conversations as a means of giving really meaningful feedback.
[00:30:48] So we even provide, a role play of an EARS conversation. We have a tool, it's our development objective creator. So much like the reflection activities, this is something that managers and their employees can walk through where in 10 to 15 minutes, it's going to walk them through exactly how they create a future focused development objective.
[00:31:08] And really is meant to. Condense, how do you give feedback to someone about their future development in a way that's really going to drive change and action?
[00:31:22] I mentioned already the feedback assessment, and this is what is done at the beginning of the program. You do a pre and a post assessment. I won't walk through all of this, but this just gives you an idea of What are assessments typically look like and what the, even what the individual reflection activities look like this comes delivered straight to an email.
[00:31:41] So it's not like a separate platform that your managers have to go to. It comes straight to their inbox accessible on their desktop on their phone. They've got a personalized link that they click on it, trace them straight to the activity. And then after they complete this assessment, they get a report in their inbox, which also goes to their team member where they can see some of that feedback.
[00:32:02] Not only are we training managers at the very beginning on how to give and receive feedback, equipping them for what's going to happen throughout the program, and then prompting them to have these conversations. We're also giving a really simple template for them at the beginning and the end of the program to give assessment and then prompting conversations throughout the program.
[00:32:28] So I'm going to, I'm going to play this video clip and I've got another one here at the end that I'll play as well, that just gives you an idea of. Some of the qualitative impact you can expect to hear from the manager feedback and the prompts and the tools and the resources that we have throughout the program.
[00:32:47] That is certainly helpful and useful as well. But from my ways of working, I think the best way was just every time I had my manager's attention, just to ask, hey, This happened last week. Do you think I handled it right? Or is there, do you have any feedback on how I could have handled it better? And then slowly, I made small changes that resulted in a huge impact.
[00:33:05] And having PILOT as an excuse to write it down was very, it was very helpful. So I, there's two things I'll call out in that, that short little clip is one, PILOT gives this ex this excuse to write things down and this excuse to have this conversation. Second thing is it helps develop this habit.
[00:33:25] So yes, it's a six month program, but it's really meant to drive incremental change where employees and managers alike feel like they're equipped now. To have these conversations and it's a part of their normal working rhythm. Be like, hey, I've got my manager's attention or maybe I'm a manager and I'm got my direct reports attention.
[00:33:45] Here's an opportunity to give and receive feedback because I've been developing this skill set through structure over the last six months.
[00:33:55] All right, I'll pause here on this testimonial from Sarah Dunmore. She was a global head of learning development at Marsha McLennan companies. Any questions? This was the kind of the, giving manager feedback. Many of you attended today. That was the title of the webinar. I touched on some of the components of what we do with future focus manager feedback within PILOT six month program.
[00:34:20] Are there any questions about what this looks like? Comments on if you think this would work at your organization. Maybe you've tried this already or you've tried to prompt managers but we've done in the past doesn't work. I'm happy to answer any questions now or when we wrap up, I'll give another way for us to stay in contact.
[00:34:39] If you have other questions, you want to talk more in detail.
[00:34:47] Jeff, I'm not seeing any questions coming in right now. Oh wait, there are a couple just came in. What does this look like after the six month engagement? How do folks keep it going? Yeah, that's a great question from Laura. Laura, I've said it a couple of times about we really want to drive incremental change where we say yes, it is a six month program.
[00:35:08] But what we want is, and what we see for our partners and customers is that the impact goes well beyond the six months where and we've tried different lengths. We've tried a 12 month program. We've tried a two month program and what we found at six months is the best length of time to drive the most meaningful impact.
[00:35:25] and still keep engagement up. And even for your managers who, if you roll out a program that's 12 months long that runs into a lot of business cycle issues or holidays or other events that happen at an organization. We do have an option to continue the program. It's like an alumni program, a much lighter version, but often the conversation is we want.
[00:35:49] To impact employees through the six month program so that even six months and a day afterward, they're still equipped with the skills and the competencies to continue to have these type of conversations. Also at most organizations, they're not just doing one cohort of 15 or 20 people. They're running numerous cohorts.
[00:36:09] Maybe at the same time or staggered throughout an organization. So maybe you've got four or five cohorts that you kick off initially of a certain management level. Three months into that, you may be starting another, tranche of cohorts at another level or another department within the organization.
[00:36:24] So it often looks like a rolling cycle of cohorts, depending on the structure of the business and what you're looking to accomplish within the organization.
[00:36:35] Great question. And Teresa, I love the comment on the network building point of view, and that we really developed PILOT to connect employees no matter where they are. And this is the way that PILOT was before COVID, right? We didn't adjust and change the model for PILOT to be 100 percent virtual based on everybody had to be virtual during the pandemic.
[00:36:55] It was really built that way from the beginning. So it's not like we had to modify something. It was built this way to start so that employees, no matter where they're located, have this opportunity to connect to others. If they're geographically dispersed. All right, let me touch on reporting because to me, this is one of the most important things that we do.
[00:37:15] And one of the most powerful things that we do with PILOT is yes, we've got these critical components, these four modes of learning that are really meant to drive change and change over time. But if we can't explain and report on the value that we're delivering and how that value aligns with what you're trying to do at an organization.
[00:37:35] One, it's really hard to get programs started without that. And two, it's really hard to sustain programs that aren't aligned to the rest of the business. So how we do that is at the very beginning of any engagement, any partnership with PILOT is we help you develop a summary of what we want to accomplish a really comprehensive view of the program so that you in a very polished and comprehensive way can broadcast the initiative that you're trying to accomplish.
[00:38:01] What this initiative is and what it's tied to, it summarizes the investment in PILOT that you can then easily share within the organization to show this is what we're trying to accomplish. This is the goals that we've set out. And we do that through what we call partnership charter at the very beginning of our relationship.
[00:38:20] We'll build a charter to set the goals and expectations for what success looks like for you and what success looks like for you or your organization may be really different from what success looks like at another organization. So we want to understand that and have objectives that tie directly to the business goals for your specific company.
[00:38:39] And then we'll offer advice too on, Hey, how do we drive success? towards those goals you're trying to accomplish. How do we create plans to mitigate the risk of those goals or those objectives to failing? So maybe it's how do we make sure that three months into the program, historically, it's really hard to keep managers engaged.
[00:38:56] If we know that upfront, we've got strategies for how we've done that for the thousands of other employees and managers who have gone through the program of what works and what doesn't work. And that's just before now, of course, during the program, we want you to always be able to know what is going on.
[00:39:12] So that's. What that means is quick views and indicators of what's working, what's not working, where you are in the program, what specific metrics look like, some of those like I already talked about, CSAT, MAU net promoter score, and we mix qualitative and quantitative data, some of it might be quotes and testimonials but really meant to give you guided next steps.
[00:39:34] of what to do during the program and then what to do after the program ends. Because afterwards we're going to provide a similar summary the results from the program or for that specific cohort, or maybe just at a given point in time so that you can also broadcast the success of the full program results.
[00:39:53] And this looks like a bundled report with all the overall program themes. tied to the goals that we set at the very beginning of the program so that you can really easily share, not only with your colleagues, but with your leadership. Things like, Hey, what was participation like? How is this tied to strategic objectives within the business?
[00:40:11] And then if someone wants to, they can dive really deep into the program statistics, right? How, what does participation look like? What did growth look like? How did sentiment change? We had talked about that sentiment of employees. intent to stay with their organization or how they feel like their manager is working together with them on their development or their development goals so that you have a really clear and polished and concise way to tell a story, a narrative about this program with both qualitative and quantitative data.
[00:40:45] Let me Before we jump back to the slides, you've seen some clips here, but speaking of qualitative data, we've talked about some of the quantitative data and what you can expect. Let me just play a short video clip that talks about some of the qualitative data, right? Testimonials, quotes, impacts from real participants who have gone through the program and what they themselves, and this is no longer just me saying, here's what PILOT does here.
[00:41:10] Let me play for you what you can expect. to hear and what we've heard from participants who have gone through the program. I was very, daunted and intimidated by chatting with, being in meetings with people who were three, four, five levels above my analyst role. It was very intimidating, but PILOT helped me realize that it's not about title at the end of the day.
[00:41:31] You can still take responsibility and ownership over your work and still work within your space to gain influence to achieve results ultimately. Through PILOT being able to learn the professional development and how to make my needs and wants heard. I was able to have a conversation with my directing manager.
[00:41:49] And thankfully because of those conversations and because of PILOT, my title changed. So I went from the community engagement strategist to social media content and engagement manager within a matter of six months. And now I have this framework of how do I work with my team to understand what needs they have?
[00:42:07] How can I help them work more efficiently? And it's been a unique kind of questions or series of self reflection that I've gone through in PILOT and actually taking that same type of reflection on how I'm working for my team to make sure their needs are getting met and that they're able to work effectively.
[00:42:24] PILOT enhanced that for me is to learn. Do and then teach and then just keep repeating that and then you will get better and better at the things that you have to do it. I'm telling you, if you're not your biggest champion, no one will be your biggest champion. Even if others believe in you, you can believe in yourself and advocate and champion for yourself.
[00:42:44] It goes to the wayside. So the result I am happier. I have, I'm boosting my confidence. I have more challenge going out of my comfort zone, but it's, I'm okay with that. So thank you very much. So hopefully that gives you just a little snapshot. And there's a lot of great quotes in there that I love, but you hear this theme of impact.
[00:43:09] Not just during the program, right? Hey, I got promoted. And a title change as a result of conversations around feedback with my manager, but also, hey, now I've got this framework going forward for questions that I ask and how I engage with my team. And now I've learned to do, to teach and replicate that cycle over time, even after the program, that's really how we think about PILOT is driving change and ultimately helping employees at all levels feel powerful at work.
[00:43:40] So let me pause my share here. And we've got just a couple minutes left.
[00:43:50] Are there questions? I know there's been a few in the chat. Thanks for those who did that already. In the few minutes that we've got left are there questions about how we do this at PILOT? How do we do the group coaching? What works or doesn't work with manager feedback? How do we do reporting?
[00:44:08] Maybe you've got questions on the things I didn't talk about, fireside chats, that mentorship at scale. Maybe it's the individual reflection activities that happen on a weekly basis. Maybe it's the time commitment or how you access any of these tools. I'm happy to answer those right now in real time.
[00:44:33] Laura Mastrorocco: Jeff, one thing I heard you saying is managers are already busy, right? They're busy people. They have a lot going on and it sounds I know it to be true, but it sounds like the tools that PILOT gives them simplifies their job and they come right to their inbox. Yeah.
[00:44:51] Jeff Walburg: Yeah. That, Laura, that's a great call out because I get asked all the time what's the time commandment? Our managers are already strapped for time. What, what does this mean? And you saw an idea of the time commitment over the six months, which is very reasonable. But it's also meant to help managers equip their employees in developing them to, reflect on their own and take action and give and receive feedback on their own and advocate for what they need to those around them so that those managers as a result.
[00:45:21] Spend less time supervising and dictating to their employees what to do as imp as a result, they now have more time in back in their days and their weeks because they've spent this structured way and time developing their employees. So we spent a lot of time and effort, even just in the operational components of PILOT, like how do you access the platform?
[00:45:41] It's an email with a direct link, not the SSO to the. H. R. A. S. To the L. M. S. Just to get to one activity. It's one click in one link in one email.
[00:45:55] That's awesome. If we don't have any other questions I'd love to share a resource. If you do, or if you're curious more about Maybe what PILOT does or even you've heard some themes that you really resonate with maybe it's some of the ideas. Maybe you've come to other webinars. We've got a webinar coming up later this month with one of our partners power to fly talking about easy steps to transform your team's work experience which very closely related to a lot of themes around managers giving feedback because that's so closely tied to an employee's experience at the organization.
[00:46:32] Fantastic opportunity to come here from. thought leaders in the HR and talent space on the role of managers, given the shift in the workplace today how you can tap into the motivation and insight and unfulfilled potential of employees. And hopefully you leave inspired about, Hey, how do you upgrade the skills of your managers and spark meaningful conversations at scale?
[00:46:55] So very similar to some of the things that we've talked today, but along with our partner power to fly Laura has dropped a link in the chat there. We'd love to see you at that or another upcoming webinar that PILOT is hosting.
[00:47:07] Laura Mastrorocco: Jeff, I should mention that webinar is eligible for one HRCI or SHRM recertification credit if anyone is pursuing that.
[00:47:18] Jeff Walburg: Yes, thank you, Laura. So come get your credit, connect with PILOT, connect with Power to Fly. We'd love to see you there. If you have very specific questions about what we covered today, that either you didn't, too hard to put it in the chat, or you're just curious about learning more, I'd be more than happy to have a conversation.
[00:47:39] Share it, Laura's sharing here a QR code. If you want to talk about what PILOT does, and what it could look like at your organization. Even if you just want to have a kind of a an exploratory thought leadership conversation. We have those on a regular basis where, hey, this is what we're thinking about for next year or right now.
[00:47:57] I know a lot of organizations are in budgeting season for 2024, so I'm having a lot of conversations about, hey, What could better manager feedback look like next year? I'll actually be following up with a number of you who joined the webinar. And if you'd like to reach out, I'd love to set up some time to have a conversation and we can explore firsthand, no obligation, just an opportunity.
[00:48:22] I feel like I. I benefit from sitting in a seat where I get to hear from HR leaders across the globe, across a wide range of companies on a regular basis. So I hear what's happening on a daily basis that maybe a lot of other HR and talent practitioners only get from their colleagues or only get from webinars or conferences or things you might read.
[00:48:43] So I'm happy to share some of those insights as well.
[00:48:49] Laura Mastrorocco: And on that note, I'm not seeing any further questions. So I want to thank everyone for your time. Thanks so much for joining us. And Jeff, thank you for your expertise, your insights. And I wish you all a terrific rest of your day. Feel free to reach out. We would love to hear from you.
[00:49:06] Jeff Walburg: Yeah. Thanks, Laura.
[00:49:07] Thanks all for joining. Appreciate the great questions. Look forward to seeing you at a upcoming PILOT webinar or a conversation together.
[00:49:17] Laura Mastrorocco: All right. Take care. Bye now.