Recorded Webinar

How PILOT Affordably Scales Employee Coaching Without Requiring Extra Headcount

Want to learn more about PILOT? We’d love to connect with you and share how our award-winning, virtual employee development program offers HR leaders a simple way to boost productivity, morale and engagement.


[00:00:00] Laura Mastrorocco: Thank you all so much for joining and we are here today to talk about how PILOT affordably scales employee coaching without requiring extra headcount. So I'm Laura Mastrocco. I'm your producer for today's session. And I'm delighted to be with you here today.

[00:00:20] Laura Mastrorocco: I'd love for you all to meet Josh Young. Josh has over 20 plus years of sales experience in a variety of industries, which gives him a unique perspective on different challenges and solutions.

[00:00:34] Josh Young: Thanks, Laura. A majority of my time is spent evangelizing PILOT, right? We're working with a lot of L&D, D&I, talent management, talent development teams out there to learn about their challenges, their goals, their objectives, and ultimately determine, how PILOT can help, if PILOT can help, how PILOT might help.

[00:00:52] Josh Young: One of the main challenges that we do hear from the HR teams, L&D, L&D, and Talent, is just a lack of [00:01:00] resources, right?

[00:01:00] Josh Young: So budget, headcount, capacity, and that's, what we want to accomplish today is to show how PILOT's Innovative Development Program helps these teams affordably scale coaching without requiring funding. extra headcount and resources. So today I'm going to walk through portions of PILOT's development program to demonstrate how PILOT does this.

[00:01:25] Josh Young: What we've done is we've taken what happens in a normal one to one coaching model. Coaching models that are often given to, the executives, the top of the chain up in organizations, C suite.

[00:01:37] Josh Young: We've built a model that HR can scale. So we combine that with research, right? So what research says is only one percent of salaried employees ever get one to one coaching or mentoring in the formal sense over their entire career. And PILOT's a virtual six month career development program that takes in the comprehensive approach to learning and growth.[00:02:00]

[00:02:00] Josh Young: So it's a cohort driven model, and it's built on four core learning experiences that support professional development. So it includes individual reflection activities, which are one time a week and are about 10 minutes in length. They're accessible via mobile, tablet, computer, wherever you have an internet connection.

[00:02:17] Josh Young: And then group coaching, which is one time a month, and these are 60 minute sessions hosted on Zoom with a host, producer, and a certified coach. And the portions of the program, the individual reflection activities, and the group coaching, they're meant to provide valuable introspection and guidance. And then we round out the program with Scaled Mentoring through Executive Fireside Chats, which are three 60 minute sessions also hosted over Zoom throughout the course of the six month program.

[00:02:45] Josh Young: And then one to one future focused manager feedback sessions. So the overall program is to enhance career competencies, which are fostering inward reflection, soliciting feedback, practicing self [00:03:00] advocacy, and then encouraging proactive steps. for personal and professional growth.

[00:03:08] Josh Young: And Laura, questions that I often get asked is who is PILOT for? So I just wanted to show this slide. These are some of the logos that, we are partners with right now. We work with companies big and small. So everything from fashion designers, to finance, to sales, to insurance, and so on.

[00:03:25] Josh Young: It's a wide composite of employees that have gone through PILOT's program. We've won several awards in this space, including top HR product by the year by HR Executive Magazine, and we're a certified, owned business. And then the next question I get is, What type of impact does PILOT have?

[00:03:42] Josh Young: What type of outcomes? So it's important to note that PILOT isn't just something that, you deliver and offer, check the box. Oh, we've got a program in place. We believe that PILOT needs to add value. So first of all, employees need to feel [00:04:00] invested in. My company sees me, they hear me, they're doing something about it.

[00:04:04] Josh Young: And then second, we're helping to prioritize their development. So you get a busy week, we help with time appropriate activities, group coaching, one to many, and then fireside chats, all hosted over Zoom, meet them in the flow of work. So the next is to empower them to speak up, to advocate for themselves.

[00:04:24] Josh Young: And especially in a remote or hybrid context, you can't see. your employee, if you're a manager, right? You don't know what they're going through because you're not next to them anymore. We open up a meaningful connection through development. So how do you get people to connect? Meet new people in a remote environment.

[00:04:42] Josh Young: And then development is a great way to have them open up. They're more vulnerable. It's a safe space. So we use PILOT to to help facilitate that. CSAT, Customer Satisfaction Scores. This is the standard [00:05:00] measurement of happiness. with a product or service. PILOT collects feedback from every interaction employees have throughout the program.

[00:05:07] Josh Young: It's expressed as a percentage. So 100 being great, 0 percent being terrible. And it's done via survey at the end of each activity. So, the reflection activity, coaching session, fireside chats, and manager feedback sessions. Participants rate their experience on a scale from very unsatisfied to very satisfied.

[00:05:27] Josh Young: And the benchmark of that is 80%, which is gold standard. PILOT average is 91%. Intent to stay is very high. 80 percent say they intend to stay with their company for two more years after going through the PILOT program. And we've seen a 33 percent increase in participants that say manager shows a unique interest in their career aspirations, which is huge because the manager employee relationship defines teams, defines success for organizations.

[00:05:53] Josh Young: And then program usage. A lot of programs get bought. But they're not used. So we use monthly average [00:06:00] usage as a metric, and this is a standard KPI that's used across products and services that measures the number of users that have interacted with your product in the last 30 days. So our members are using it 73 percent of the time, the industry average is 80%.

[00:06:14] Josh Young: For L&D programs, it's around 10 15%, but we're always looking to get that up we're in a good spot there, and then with NPS, the benchmark for SAS is negative 52 on a scale from negative 100 to 100, and PILOT's at a 52, so, I think we're doing the right things with this program. And then moving on, Laura, to what we're going to walk through today.

[00:06:41] Josh Young: I'm going to show you some features and functionality, basically through a demo of PILOT, and we're going to cover what PILOT's group coaching model looks like, why the cohort model works. We're going to experience a session, and I'm going to show you the impact that it has for participants.

[00:06:58] Josh Young: Then we're going to run through program planning and [00:07:00] launch. through setting up, cohort configuration, what are the defined outcomes, how we're signing employees up, internal communications that we provide, and then running through the program schedule, and then ongoing support. How do we help drive participation?

[00:07:15] Josh Young: How do we support and recognize employees? And then reporting and feedback, right? Posts, or before, during, and post program, and then we'll show program metrics. And with that said, Laura, if you can stop share.

[00:07:31] Laura Mastrorocco: While you're getting that demo set up, I'm just going to share a story about earlier today, I, in addition to producing webinars, I also produce some of our live coaching sessions, and earlier today, I had the final live coaching session called Landing Powerfully with one of our clients, and during that session, we talked about the fact that 100 percent of the people in the session felt that they had [00:08:00] improved their career, improved their job standing, improved the way they operate on a day to day basis based on the six month PILOT coaching program.

[00:08:09] Laura Mastrorocco: It was super powerful, Josh.

[00:08:12] Josh Young: Nice. Yeah, those sessions are great. I had I had one recently that I got a lot out of myself. It's just a great way to socialize and connect with people that are running through similar, circumstances. So it's just a diverse set of perspectives, but, I'll talk about that here in a second.

[00:08:27] Josh Young: Can everyone see my screen, Laura?

[00:08:29] Laura Mastrorocco: Looking good. Yes.

[00:08:30] Josh Young: Great. All right. Group coaching, right? Professional group coaching is part of the PILOT methodology, right? We're bringing employees in a cohort together to engage in, a virtual session with an ICF certified coach. It's a virtual environment.

[00:08:49] Josh Young: It's vibrant. It's meant to be dynamic and encourage participation. So, Why the cohort model? Well, it's one to many, so it's better overall value for our [00:09:00] customers. It makes scheduling a lot easier, right? Your one on one sessions are typically scheduled with an individual. So if you had 50 of those, it'd be really hard to schedule those sessions.

[00:09:10] Josh Young: So when you're in a group of 20 to 30 employees, it makes it a lot easier with one Zoom session. And then, All of those combined make it much easier to scale for HR, L&D, and DEI teams. So from an HR perspective, the group coaching provides a way of getting coaching and development to a large group of employees efficiently.

[00:09:32] Josh Young: Plus, it's proven that People do better when it's in a cohort model. So you get deeper learning outcomes, positive peer pressure, network expansion. There's a sense of belonging and connection, right? You're creating a coaching community where everyone supports each other. So it's more fun.

[00:09:50] Josh Young: It's more effective. Like I mentioned earlier, these are one hour sessions that are hosted by a pilot crew of three. So we provide a certified [00:10:00] coach. professional producer, and a host, and it's all done over Zoom. We facilitate everything, we handle the logistics it's totally centralized and managed by PILOT and, we realize too that on the back end that schedules may not align sometimes, right?

[00:10:17] Josh Young: We've got things that pop up, things that bring, that take precedence over the other, so we understand that, and if you happen to miss one of these group coaching sessions, we'll provide a session recap. So about a 10 minute video versus 60 minutes which highlights the key points of the program or session that was covered that you missed.

[00:10:42] Josh Young: Experiencing a session. What does that look like? Our sessions are a tight one hour, 60 minute session. session hosted by Zoom. We start with getting a warm up, [00:11:00] right? So getting people energized, getting them used to communicating, participating, engaging. So we'll ask questions like, what'd you do during the week?

[00:11:08] Josh Young: What was your favorite thing to eat? You know, over the holiday, things like that to kind of break the ice a little bit. And then we're going to run over some community agreements, right? These are things that, we expect from the participants during this session, as well as future coaching sessions.

[00:11:24] Josh Young: And then the big idea, right? All of our coaching sessions center around a big idea. We use we use a shared development plan that focuses on specific development objectives that everyone goes through at the same time. So, things like partnering with your manager, workability, time management, and focus.

[00:11:46] Josh Young: Then we run through or we incorporate polls and group discussions, which are meant to engage and drive that participation. You hear from a diverse set of individuals and [00:12:00] teams during these calls, so we want their viewpoints shared and encourage them to do so. And then key distinctions?

[00:12:08] Josh Young: Coaches are going to discuss the mindsets, the definitions and the frameworks to help shift perspectives on thoughts that you may have from the weekly reflection activities that you did. These are, I'll get into one of those here in a second but you know what, I think about time management, right?

[00:12:26] Josh Young: May look totally different once the coach helps me unpack what that means in my role now and what I can do about it going forward. And then breakout rooms, right? We incorporate those into the session as well so that you can go out and collaborate with peers and what their experience in these topics might be.

[00:12:47] Josh Young: We're all dealing with time management, right? For instance but what that looks like for me. may look different from someone else in my group. So it's such a great way to get a diverse set of perspectives on things and learn from one [00:13:00] another. And then knowing versus doing.

[00:13:02] Josh Young: How we take action on what we've learned. And I'm going to show this clip because it's such an important distinction from Ayana Coston that was, one of these coaching sessions that she hosted. And it's just a great definition. of knowing versus doing.

[00:13:21] Video: So before I go into this slide, let me give you a quick little riddle. Let's say, I have six brand new swimmers that are at the pool, right? It's summertime and six little swimmers, they all know how to swim, they're at the pool. Four of my swimmers decide to jump into the pool. How many swimmers

[00:13:37] Laura Mastrorocco: are left on the side of the pool?

[00:13:40] Video: Just scream it out. Two.

[00:13:45] Video: What else?

[00:13:51] Video: All right. Unsure

[00:13:53] Video: Uhhuh. Yep. Y'all are actually set me up. Four of them decided to jump in the pool. That means I have six [00:14:00] left because they decided I didn't say four of them jumped in the pool. Language can be tricky. The reason I bring you this slide is because we know things. Y'all know what to do at work.

[00:14:08] Video: You know how to do it. You know how to advocate, but you choose not to because, oh, they're gonna think that I, if I say that I need help, they're gonna think they hired the wrong person, and I'm stupid. If I say that I wanna move to something else, they're gonna think...

[00:14:21] Josh Young: So as you can see, there's a clear gap in between knowing versus doing, and that's just an incredible illustration.

[00:14:28] Josh Young: Such a good one. And then we have wrap up and feedback at the end of each session. So, What were the key points discussed? What did the, what did the team say?

[00:14:37] Josh Young: What did individuals say? Let's unpack that and determine, what we can do based on your feedback going forward. And then at the end, there may be some people that are afraid to speak up in a session or, may have thought of something after the fact. We give 10 minutes on the back end that participants can interact with the coach.

[00:14:59] Josh Young: So [00:15:00] you have that option as well.

[00:15:06] Josh Young: And I mentioned the impact earlier, right? This is from participants. Today's session involved a lot of open discussion with other people, right? It's important that I not only say I'm going to take action, but that I actually set a timeline, right? So there's a, coming from a individual perspective and going into a group, right?

[00:15:29] Josh Young: It's really eye opening because you have such. a different perspective when you get in a group versus individual. And I talked about it before, you're sitting there and you're going through these individual reflection activities. And I may think time management means one thing, but when you get in and hear it from a group of people that are sharing a similar issue or challenge with time management.

[00:15:56] Josh Young: It's going to be different for them more so than it is for you and you get to learn from that. [00:16:00] So just a great way of interacting and sharing and learning. And Laura, you mentioned your, you sit in a lot of these, you mentioned your experience earlier. Is there anything you would like to add?

[00:16:14] Laura Mastrorocco: Yeah. Thanks. I just, I love our live coaching sessions. The cohort over the six months, they really come together. They really get to know each other. And I recently had an opportunity to meet one of the, one of our clients, Nestle. And I was talking to one of the women who went through the program and she she really, she almost brought me to tears talking about how impactful this program was not only in her professional life, but also in her personal life.

[00:16:50] Laura Mastrorocco: Not only that theory about taking action, knowing versus doing, but also we talk in the sessions about knowing [00:17:00] what it is you want, and then figuring out how to get there. So yeah, there, there's always very impactful sessions. As Josh mentioned, we, we do pack a lot in that hour.

[00:17:14] Laura Mastrorocco: We always start and finish right on time. And I assure you, you'll, you would take a lot away from them.

[00:17:22] Josh Young: Yeah, it's very structured. We believe in a lot of structure and consistency at PILOT. We build that into a lot of our programs in terms of the framework, and we do start on time, we do end on time, but you know exactly what to expect, and you're not going in there oh, what are we going to do today?

[00:17:36] Josh Young: What are we going to talk about? Are they going to call on me? It's very structured in that way, so you know what to expect.

[00:17:42] Laura Mastrorocco: We have a question in the Q& A, Josh, regarding the minimum and maximum number of participants for group coaching. Great. Thanks.

[00:17:51] Josh Young: Yeah, great question. Typically what we see is around 20 to 30 people per cohort being the sweet spot.[00:18:00]

[00:18:00] Josh Young: And the reason for that is the data points that we get or that the customer gets, right? So the larger the sample size, the more data that comes in, the easier you can track towards KPIs and get feedback from the group to know if it's really working and if you're getting ROI on the program.

[00:18:19] Laura Mastrorocco: Yeah. Good question.

[00:18:20] Laura Mastrorocco: Thank you. Sorry.

[00:18:24] Josh Young: All right. Talking about structure and consistency and success, right? We're running through program and launch, right? This is important. Launching a new program is not easy, right? And we understand this at PILOT. We want to make sure that the planning and program and launch or the launch of the program is easy as it's easy as possible for our customers.

[00:18:47] Josh Young: Each customer is assigned a customer success manager and a product delivery manager that works with the customers pre program during the program. And then post [00:19:00] program and I'll get into that support here in a few minutes, but where we typically start is with cohort configuration.

[00:19:08] Josh Young: And this is very unique to each individual organization. No, 2 organizations are alike. For instance, we may be working with someone that has the DEI implications. So they've got ERGs, ESGs SRGs. For instance, we may be working with someone that has the DEI implications. So they've got ERGs, ESGs SRGs.

[00:19:24] Josh Young: Things like that, that they want to help those leaders get to the next level. So since it's a volunteer position anyway, it's like what type of value add can we give them to help them skill up to get to that next level in the organization. So PILOT is a good fit for that. Leadership and succession, building that talent pipeline, building that emerging leader, high performers.

[00:19:48] Josh Young: It's across the board what works for each organization, but we help to like suss that out through various workshops at the beginning, multiple phone calls to help, get [00:20:00] that strategy built so that we're getting the right individuals in those cohorts to be successful. And then implementation and kickoff.

[00:20:12] Josh Young: This is very strategic as well. And along the same lines as planning implementation, we realize that this is an investment. So we'll work to establish a mutual plan of action and charter, if you will. What do you hope to accomplish with this program? How will you measure it? What are the key drivers of success?

[00:20:30] Josh Young: What are some of the roadblocks that might exist? And then, who you're going to be working with, who's PILOT's team? So that we know all of that up front. And then the sign up page. All right, this is the first interaction that participants have with PILOT. It's sleek, it's modern, it's meant to be engaging and interactive.

[00:20:50] Josh Young: Very different from what you see in typical HR programs out there now. We wanted to model this after, retail websites and online [00:21:00] experiences that you're seeing outside of work. This is co branded, right? So ABC company is using PILOT to help deliver a coaching and development program for this specific employee type or this group.

[00:21:15] Josh Young: You can model this verbiage to fit any initiative that you want to put this program on the floor. And then we'll have what the program's going to entail, what types of features are the content. So weekly reflection activities, monthly group coaching, manager feedback, and executive fireside chats.

[00:21:37] Josh Young: And then each of the coaching series that we're going to be running through during the six months is listed down here as well. So that we have, or the participants, the managers, admin has a really good idea of what's going to be covered. over the next six months. And then what else is important, right?

[00:21:58] Josh Young: We were just talking about this [00:22:00] today, right? It's the change management piece. It's communicating the new program through the organization, right? We want to make this again, as seamless as possible for HR. So we're providing templates for all the communication that's going to have to be done internally, whether that's, here, Participants, this is what you're going to be experiencing over the next six months or managers.

[00:22:23] Josh Young: This is going to be your role. These are the outcomes we hope to achieve all the way up to the executive level and emails out to the participants in the organization. We provide videos as well to what you can expect from PILOT. Who is PILOT? So we're setting HR up for success from the start.

[00:22:43] Josh Young: We want to make this and the term we use a pilot is waffle maker. So we want to make this a waffle maker. You just put the ingredients in press and it's done. So again, very low lift for HR and this isn't the only time you're going to hear that come out of my mouth. Over the next few minutes with this [00:23:00] demo.

[00:23:01] Laura Mastrorocco: One of the things, Josh, that you made me think of I mentioned I had a session earlier today and just talking about the partnership that PILOT has with these different companies. This particular client we worked with this morning, They have a different core value that they focus on internally every month.

[00:23:19] Laura Mastrorocco: And naturally they share that with us. And so we weave that into each of our sessions as well, supporting what they have going on internally. And yeah that I think is also just shows the way that we work together with different clients.

[00:23:35] Josh Young: Absolutely. If you have a certain initiative that you're tying this to, we can put it in the verbiage, right?

[00:23:40] Josh Young: We can have the host and the coach and the producer discuss that on the front end that Laura is mentioning. So that you can tailor this to the values and curriculum that you want through your organization to be conveyed through the program. It's your way to, I don't want to say customize, but tailor it to your [00:24:00] approach.

[00:24:00] Josh Young: All right, all the fun stuff, the ongoing support and operations, right? Again, our philosophy here is very simple. We want to help create a sustainable, structured and consistent program for HR, as well as the participants. Our main goal here is to make sure that HR. does not need to build a support or operations plan since our shared service model owns most of the administrative work for this.

[00:24:29] Josh Young: Like I said, it's centrally managed via PILOT. So we do the scheduling, we provide the customer service, the staffing, the troubleshooting, the reporting, check ins, call initiation and facilitation for all the participants involved. And our customers have what I said earlier, they have a dedicated customer success and product delivery manager.

[00:24:52] Josh Young: They have a direct line to our company and even the CEO, Ben Brooks. He's got on the phone many a times with customers. [00:25:00] So that's very unique. And I think that's one of the things that makes PILOT stand out.

[00:25:06] Laura Mastrorocco: Josh, a question that I sometimes get about these activities that we see here on the screen is on what is the expectation or what is the time commitment that we're asking of the employees on a monthly basis?

[00:25:21] Josh Young: Yeah. So on one of the heaviest months that involves, and I'll show that here in a second, Laura, what that looks like on the calendar, but you're looking at 3, 10 minute individual reflection activities per month. So, 30 minutes there, then you're having a 60 minute group coaching session, which is 1 hour.

[00:25:43] Josh Young: And then you're having, if there's a fireside chat. During that month per se, then you're going to have another hour there. So two and a half hours in total during a busy month, break it down over the course of, 30, 31, 28 [00:26:00] days. There's it's very low lift. And we do that because we know people have busy weeks, right?

[00:26:07] Josh Young: They're doing their job. They have extra responsibilities at home. So we make this something that meets them in the flow of work and something that they can prioritize and do easily, does that answer your question?

[00:26:18] Laura Mastrorocco: That does. Thank you. Yeah. It seems like in, in throughout the course of a month, two and a half hours is a very light lift.

[00:26:26] Josh Young: For sure. And that's, of course, by design. And, I think that goes into to why we have such high participation in the PILOT program.

[00:26:36] Josh Young: Our customer service and product delivery teams, they help program and member growth be consistent.

[00:26:42] Josh Young: We coordinate all aspects of delivery, so HR doesn't have to worry about that. We are seamless. experience no matter what happens within, let's say your team, right? So HR, L&D, L&D, right? You may have certain programs that require [00:27:00] multiple people. PILOT, you don't have to do that because it runs seamlessly.

[00:27:05] Josh Young: So if you have vacations, maternity leave sickness that happens, PILOT will continue to run in the background with minimal, administrative effort. For example, we not too long ago implemented a program with one of our customers and the CHRO was responsible for driving this initiative. She brought us on board, implemented the program, and then went on maternity leave.

[00:27:31] Josh Young: She was gone for four months and PILOT's program just ran seamlessly in the background. When she came back, we were there with all the reports and status and updates and things like that so that she didn't have to worry about it and was very pleased.

[00:27:44] Josh Young: The employee support portion of this, right? Laura, I just touched on this with, we meet employees where they're at, so we make it as easily, as easy to access as possible, right? So mobile phone, tablet, anywhere with [00:28:00] an internet connection, there's no logins required, there's no portal to log into, so no usernames and passwords, it's on demand, it can be done synchronously, asynchronously, and the 10 minute activities.

[00:28:13] Josh Young: The group coaching sessions, the fireside chats, they're all snappable. Bite-sized bits and then text messages. If you opt in for that, we can do both. Two-way text interactions reminders or nudges are sent over email. Quick session recaps, right? So if you don't have 60 minutes to watch a video, you can spend 10 minutes catching up and then close caption videos are also available.

[00:28:39] Josh Young: And then Laura, to your point, here's what we're looking at for, a monthly pilot. Participation level for a member. So you can see right here, you've got the three 10 minute individual reflection activities which I do over my phone and then the one hour group coaching session, and then the one hour fireside chat, if that happens to [00:29:00] fall within that month.

[00:29:01] Josh Young: Keep in mind, there's three of these over the course of a six month period, the fireside chats.

[00:29:10] Josh Young: And of course, our dedicated support model, product delivery, customer success, right? There's no chasing the participants to make sure that they're keeping up with their activities on your end. We do that all at PILOT. So we'll send the reminders, we'll send the nudges, we'll let them know, hey, we're You have X amount of activities to catch up on in order to move to that next level.

[00:29:33] Josh Young: It helps prioritize, it helps them prioritize their development because we're keeping it front and center. And then again, making it easy for them to access. We want to drive participant participation success, right? We're there by email, phone, text message, Mondays and Fridays from eight to six.

[00:29:50] Josh Young: Of course. If you need to, we're all available at any point in time. And then, supporting content bonus challenges, [00:30:00] right? This is an example of, someone that has opted in for text and, go back and forth and, offer, Hey, here's a nice little YouTube video of Simon Sinek.

[00:30:10] Josh Young: Giving some blurbs about, employee development or, what you can do to get better in terms of your career advancement, things like that. It's just fun back and forth, highly interactive. And that's, that's what we do at PILOT. And then at the end of the program we have these nice certificates that are designed with your logo, your signature.

[00:30:31] Josh Young: They can print them out. We have celebratory landing page for every employee, nice little certificates. And then this is something that's unique too, is we can have them put out into the social environment the fact that they have completed this program, that they do have their certificate, in employee development or career development. So this is a great way to not only have them share what they've done, but to socialize your brand [00:31:00] as well. So you can parlay this into having others within the organization go, Oh, you know, John did this. I want to do that. So it's just a great way to socialize your brand and socialize the fact that you've offered this to participants in your, or to employees in your organization.

[00:31:18] Josh Young: So data, data, data, data, data, data is very important, right? One of the things we want to do is we want to provide data that kind of tells a story, right? We believe that that's an invaluable tool for learning professionals. And research from LinkedIn says that, Right now, learning professionals more than ever need qualitative as well as quantitative data to show how their development programs are mapping to objectives.

[00:31:47] Josh Young: Data tells the story. So, with this feedback we built a reporting suite, namely your PILOT success story. This, these are new enhanced reports that we put out there [00:32:00] that are packed with data, they're packed with stories that serve as like your mission control center, if you will, for showcasing the impact of your program.

[00:32:08] Josh Young: They make it effortless to keep track of how your program's progressing sharing updates with your team as well as your business leaders, and then you can link your initiative directly to your business goals.

[00:32:20] Laura Mastrorocco: And Josh, how often does something like this come out?

[00:32:23] Josh Young: So customer service works directly with let's say HR, L&D, or L&D teams.

[00:32:28] Josh Young: They provide these on a monthly basis. So they'll send these reports out one time a month and then, when they can, they'll get together with those teams to unpack that and discuss, okay, based off of the outcomes that we put up front or what we want out of this program, let's talk about how we're progressing towards those now.

[00:32:50] Josh Young: And then what we can do going forward to help increase those numbers.

[00:32:56] Laura Mastrorocco: A valuable tool. Thank you.

[00:32:58] Josh Young: Yeah, absolutely. And we do before, [00:33:00] during, and after reports. So what was your vision for developing programs in the first place? The program summary, what is this going to be over the course of the next six months?

[00:33:12] Josh Young: Let's set goals and expectations, right? What are the drivers of success? How are we going to measure this? What outcomes do we hope to achieve? And, what can we do to help mitigate risk throughout this program? And then on the front end, let's get a pulse on the employees before we even start, right?

[00:33:30] Josh Young: What's their perception of working at, in this case, ACME? How does the organization do at goal setting? Do you clearly state and set goals? What are, how do you feel about your access to resources? Do you have enough workability things to focus? And then retention.

[00:33:47] Josh Young: How is your company good at retaining employees or how do you feel about that? So standard engagement metrics, easy to consume and understand. It's a clear guide as to where they're at right now and what to focus on [00:34:00] throughout the program. And then during the program, we're talking about status updates, right?

[00:34:05] Josh Young: So every employee that comes through the program, again, goes through surveys at the end of each program. They give feedback and like employee satisfaction mid range right through the program, right? 83 percent right here. What's your participation? 84. So again, giving you the metrics that you need and the quality or quantitative data to say, okay, Maybe participation is lower than we thought it would be.

[00:34:33] Josh Young: So what can we do going forward to get an uptick in that? And then we also measure what executives and managers view the program as. What do they think about the program since it started? The manager's satisfaction with the feedback sessions the progress. that they've seen their employees make.

[00:34:53] Josh Young: Maybe it's an executive that we've surveyed that participated in a fireside chat. How did you feel about that? What was your [00:35:00] experience? Would you do it again? And then after the program or at the end of the program, we'll give a summary, right? This is a mixture of qualitative, data with the feedback and quotes from employees that went through the program with the quantitative.

[00:35:16] Josh Young: What was the average rate of participation? What was the average perception of your company after the fact? What was the average satisfaction rate with the program and in your experience? And then of course, we'll dive deeper into the metrics as well. So like I said, what's your overall program participation?

[00:35:35] Josh Young: 75%. Wow, that's great. That's the most we've ever had from one of these programs. Let me quickly shoot this up to our leadership team to, say that, hey, instituting this program has been a success within, say, this certain function of the business. I think it's also important to point out, too, with the new reporting suite, that we can tailor these reports to reflect any [00:36:00] type of KPIs or data that you want to see.

[00:36:03] Josh Young: So that's a new feature and that's pretty cool and our customers have responded well to that.

[00:36:11] Josh Young: And with that said, I am done on the demo, Laura, but in terms of, I would say, closing out, right? Going back to the overall goal of the webinar, right? How can PILOT affordably scale employee coaching without requiring extra headcount, right? What we have at PILOT, another term is called Shovel Ready. So what we want to do is make this program Shovel Ready for HR.

[00:36:40] Josh Young: So that they can easily plug this in to an existing, say, talent ecosystem, if you will. So, you could have your talent management system, you could have your performance management system over here, whatever those types of programs are using, PILOT can just, be placed in to help [00:37:00] support those other programs and initiatives that you have within the organization.

[00:37:05] Josh Young: And since we handle everything at PILOT, we make it very easy for HR to do without adding extra headcount, without increasing their capacity. And with the scaled yeah, with the, group cohort model, It's much more affordable than a lot of the comparable development and coaching models that are out there now.

[00:37:34] Laura Mastrorocco: Josh, it seems like it's all compact, it's all ready to roll. And so like, all right, we've given people a lot of information here. If someone has a question that comes up, say, after this webinar, what's the best way to have that question answered?

[00:37:53] Josh Young: You could reach out to me on LinkedIn, you can email me directly.

[00:37:56] Laura Mastrorocco: Josh, I'm going to go ahead and drop your your LinkedIn in the [00:38:00] chat, and if anyone would like to connect with you, they can definitely do so that way. That's a great suggestion.

[00:38:09] Josh Young: Awesome. I think after the fact, too, we're going to follow up with a lot of the registrants here, and the follow up messaging will include a link to my calendar.

[00:38:20] Josh Young: if you want to book time with me and unpack some of the things that we went over today. And I'll be happy to have a conversation. I'll be glad to run through a demo. Just to give you a better sense of what PILOT is.

[00:38:35] Laura Mastrorocco: Awesome. And I think we have one more resource to share with everyone before anyone logs out.

[00:38:42] Josh Young: Yes. We regularly host webinars. So if you're interested in future webinars, number one, you can go and see the webinars that are coming up on our website, PILOT. coach. And then, we also partner with some very amazing [00:39:00] organizations and thought leaders to explore topics that are top of mind for talent professionals today.

[00:39:05] Josh Young: The next webinar, we're going to be hosting a learning lab that's focused on creating structured development programs. Pinar, who has over 20 years of experience in delivering training, and Rachel, very own product delivery director, they're going to run through best practices when it comes to designing structured development programs.

[00:39:24] Josh Young: And I believe, Laura, you're going to share a link in the chat if you already have.

[00:39:27] Laura Mastrorocco: Yep. So if you're interested in this webinar, you can register one of two ways. You can either use your smartphone to scan the QR code on the screen, or I've dropped a link in the chat. You can register there. And I do want to mention that that particular session is eligible for one HRCI or SHRM recertification credit. If anyone is working toward those credentials.

[00:39:50] Josh Young: Nice.

[00:39:52] Laura Mastrorocco: I thank you all so much for your time. It's been a delight to have you with us here today. And, uh, Josh, [00:40:00] thank you for your time. And we'll look for you all in a future webinar.

[00:40:07] Josh Young: Thanks, everyone.